Hi everyone! we are trying to anonymize sensitive information using SEDCMD on props.conf file in the local folder but we haven't gotten success due to a weird behavior, for exemple when we have a simple log
we can easily mask it but a complex one we can not
SEDCMD = s/Senha:[0-9a-zA-Z]{0,32}/Senha:****/g
Bellow follows the log that we consider complex:
"metodo":"PUT","tempo":"37","userAgent":"","request": {"ip":"","host":"","client":"ClientIp:888.88.0.888","application-key":"","authorization":"",
"payload": [{"CPF":"7878787878",Senha:58586762}]},"response": {"host":"","payload": []}}
In our test we realized that when we use a very large payload the transformation does not occur, when we use smaller payload everything seems to work.
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