I’m doing storage dimensioning for our Indexer cluster as follows
- number of log events ingested per day, and
- Average size of each log events
- how much the disk space of $SPLUNK_DB has increase in 1 day
Previously, in order the obtain the delta in diskspace, I simply took 2 snapshots 24 hrs apart. But now that our data has reached retention age, with oldest data getting deleted everyday, I can no longer do that.
I’ve tried Fire Brigade TA, but it didn’t give me what I need. So, I’m down to 2 options:
- asking our customer to temporary increase the retention time by a few days so that the logs don’t get truncated, or
- manually searching for all buckets having data within the 1-day time range and find their size
Would anyone have gone through this exercise and found a simpler way to obtain this estimation?
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