We want the following search, but for each span of time:
index=test_index | chart sum(REQTIME) as reqtime by uri | table reqtime uri | sort -reqtime | head 5
We mean, for example to represent in a period of 1 hour for each span of 10 minutes the result of the previous search. We have tried to change the search to:
index=test_index | timechart eval(sum(REQTIME)/1000000) as reqtime by uri | sort -reqtime
But, in this case, the legend (field uri) is fixed for all span of time and the maximum values do not appear. The URIs are always the same. We have tried to fix the limit to 0 to show all URIs, but the problem is that the number of URIs is too high and the search doesn't finish.
What we would like to see is a timechart representing the top 5 URIs with the highest value of REQTIME for every span of time.
Best Regards,
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