Example Line:
"Stuff to be, together as one item",nextvalue,andanother,andso-on
When using splunk auto header detection and DELIMS="," this blows up and shifts the non-quoted fields back, and gives the values:
Field1: "Stuff to be
Field2: together as one item"
Field3: nextvalue
Field4: andanother
Field5: andso-on
Any way around this other than a massive regex? if if you did make a massive regex (we did actually), how would you make it cope with the following:
LINE1: "Stuff to be, together as one item",nextvalue,andanother,andso-on
LINE2: "Stuff to be, together as one item, and this stuff too, and there might be 10 of them...",nextvalue,andanother,andso-on
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