I am having problems running the search sample provided with the Java SDK. Which resides on my disk here
Now, when I try to run the program I keep getting the and exception is caught.
static void run(String[] args) throws IOException {
Command command = Command.splunk("search");
command.addRule("count", Integer.class, resultsCount);
command.addRule("earliest_time", String.class, earliestTime);
command.addRule("field_list", String.class, fieldListText);
command.addRule("latest_time", String.class, latestTime);
command.addRule("offset", Integer.class, offset);
command.addRule("output", String.class, outputText);
command.addRule("output_mode", String.class, outputModeText);
command.addRule("status_buckets", Integer.class, statusBucketsText);
command.addRule("verbose", "Display search progress");
if (command.args.length != 1)
Command.error("Search e
xpression required");
String query = command.args[0];
int resultsCount = 100;
if (command.opts.containsKey("count"))
resultsCount = (Integer)command.opts.get("count");
String earliestTime = null;
if (command.opts.containsKey("earliest_time"))
earliestTime = (String)command.opts.get("earliest_time");
String fieldList = null;
if (command.opts.containsKey("field_list"))
fieldList = (String)command.opts.get("field_list");
String latestTime = null;
if (command.opts.containsKey("latest_time"))
earliestTime = (String)command.opts.get("latest_time");
int offset = 0;
if (command.opts.containsKey("offset"))
offset = (Integer)command.opts.get("offset");
String output = "results";
if (command.opts.containsKey("output")) {
output = (String)command.opts.get("output");
if (!Arrays.asList(outputChoices).contains(output))
Command.error("Unsupported output: '%s'", output);
String outputMode = "xml";
if (command.opts.containsKey("output_mode"))
outputMode = (String)command.opts.get("output_mode");
int statusBuckets = 0;
if (command.opts.containsKey("status_buckets"))
statusBuckets = (Integer)command.opts.get("status_buckets");
boolean verbose = command.opts.containsKey("verbose");
Service service = Service.connect(command.opts);
// Check the syntax of the query.
try {
Args parseArgs = new Args("parse_only", true);
service.parse(query, parseArgs);
catch (HttpException e) {
String detail = e.getDetail();
Command.error("query '%s' is invalid: %s", query, detail);
With error printed
Error: query 'search=search error | head 10 -d output_mode=csv' is invalid:
What is the correct query? Looks like I am providing the wrong query in the command line arguments. Using NetBeans 7.1 IDE.
Please guide
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