Somehow I'm losing the results of my msgid field for a search. I'm trying to debug what is happening and I'm not getting anywhere. I'd really appreciate any ideas.
The first search returns the qid, the second search searches on the qid value and the text msgid, the third search is supposed to search on the value msgid returned from the second search. But msgid is blank. The second search locates the right information and the correct information is displayed in the table but the msgid value is blank so I can't pass it to the third search.
<module name="TextField" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1">
<param name="name">to_address</param>
<param name="float">left</param>
<param name="label">Enter the TO: address to search on</param>
<module name="Button">
<param name="allowSoftSubmit">True</param>
<module name="TimeRangePicker">
<param name="default">Last 4 hours</param>
<module name="DashboardTitleBar" layoutPanel="viewHeader"/>
<module name="HTML" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1">
<param name="html">
<![CDATA[Select a message below to get more information.]]>
<module name="Search">
<param name="search">host=smtphost* $to_address$.procmail ctladdr | table _time,from,to,host,qid | sort -_time</param>
<module name="JobProgressIndicator"/>
<module name="Pager">
<param name="count">10</param>
<module name="Table">
<param name="hiddenFields"></param>
<module name="HTML">
<param name="html">
<![CDATA[The first search was=$search$<br>qid=$row.fields.qid$]]>
<module name="HTML" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1">
<module name="TimeRangePicker">
<param name="default">Last 4 hours</param>
<module name="Search" autoRun="False">
<param name="search">$row.fields.qid$ msgid | table _time,from,msgid,qid</param>
<module name="JobProgressIndicator"/>
<module name="Pager">
<param name="count">10</param>
<module name="Table">
<param name="hiddenFields"></param>
<module name="HTML">
<param name="html"><![CDATA[The second search was=$search$<br>from=$row.fields.from$<br>msgid=$row.fields.msgid$<br>qid=$row.fields.qid$]]>
<module name="Search" autoRun="False">
<param name="search">"hdr_mid=$row.fields.msgid$" | table _time,subject,qid</param>
<module name="JobProgressIndicator"/>
<module name="Pager">
<param name="count">25</param>
<module name="Table">
<param name="hiddenFields"></param>
The Output:
The second search was=s27I9aXu008416 msgid | table _time,from,msgid,qid
from="username omitted"@"domain omitted".com
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