Hi Folks, I'm trying to create a query where it shows users logged in and indexes belonged or use (one of the two options...). Something like: LAST_LOGIN_DATE, USER, REAL_NAME, INDEX_NAME. But sadly I cannot retrieve the indexes on some of them and sometimes repeat them on the result. I created a query using some other examples on the web without success: Could you help me? Thank you so much!
| rest /services/authentication/users
| search type=Splunk
| table title roles realname
| rename title as user
| rename roles as title
| mvexpand title
| join type=left max=0 title [
| rest /services/authorization/roles splunk_server=local
| table title srchInd*
| eval indexes=mvappend(srchIndexesAllowed,srchIndexesDefault)
| table title indexes
| mvexpand indexes
| dedup title indexes
| eval indexes_orig=indexes
| join indexes max=0 type=left [
| rest /services/data/indexes
| stats count by title
| table title
| eval indexes=if(match(title,"^_"),"_*","*")
| rename title as indexes_new]
| eval indexes=if(indexes_orig!=indexes_new,indexes_new, indexes_orig)
| table title indexes]
| join user [
search index=_audit action="login attempt" info=succeeded
| dedup user
| table user timestamp]
| dedup user timestamp
| table timestamp user realname indexes
| sort - timestamp
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