I am trying to take a saved search, with a large ammount of keywords and make the saved search smaller and more versitile by using a lookup table. Here is the current search (it is a sensitive word search based on what search engine is used):
index="bcproxy" sourcetype="bcoat_proxysg" dest_host="www.google.com"
(nude OR nudity OR naked OR milf OR bondage OR porn OR nsfw OR bikini OR erotic OR eros OR xxx OR ecstacy OR softcore OR hardcore OR sex OR sexy OR flashing OR amatuer OR topless)
| top Google_Searches,user limit=20 showcount=0 showperc=0
| rename user as Google_User
| appendcols [search dest_host="search.yahoo.com" (nude OR nudity OR naked OR milf OR bondage OR porn OR nsfw OR bikini OR erotic OR eros OR xxx OR ecstacy OR softcore OR hardcore OR sex OR sexy OR flashing OR amatuer OR topless)
| top Yahoo_Searches,user limit=20 showcount=0 showperc=0
| rename user as Yahoo_User]
| appendcols [search dest_host="www.bing.com" (nude OR nudity OR naked OR milf OR bondage OR porn OR nsfw OR bikini OR erotic OR eros OR xxx OR ecstacy OR softcore OR hardcore OR sex OR sexy OR flashing OR amatuer OR topless)
| top Bing_Searches,user limit=20 showcount=0 showperc=0
| rename user as Bing_User]
As you can see, this is a rather large search (I took out other keywords). This is what I am trying to do but it is not giving me any results:
index="bcproxy" sourcetype="bcoat_proxysg" (dest_host="www.google.com" ([|inputlookup keyword]) )
| top Google_Searches,user limit=20 showcount=0 showperc=0
| rename user as Google_User
I am just trying to make the first part work and then I figured it would be easy to add the other parts. I do have the csv loaded into Splunk and the lookup definition created.
Any suggestions on getting this to run properly would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the debug for the shortend query:
did not return any data. Possible solutions are to:
•relax the primary search criteria
•widen the time range of the search
•check that the default search indexes for your account include the desired indexes
The following messages were returned by the search subsystem:
DEBUG: Subsearch evaluated to the following search expression: ( ( keyword="nude" ) OR ( keyword="nudity" ) OR ( keyword="porn" ) OR ( keyword="nsfw" ) OR ( keyword="bikini" ) OR ( keyword="erotic" ) OR ( keyword="eros" ) OR ( keyword="xxx" ) OR ( keyword="ecstacy" ) OR ( keyword="softcore" ) OR ( keyword="hardcore" ) OR ( keyword="sex" ) OR ( keyword="sexy" ) OR ( keyword="flashing" ) OR ( keyword="amatuer" ) OR ( keyword="topless" ) )
DEBUG: [SRV-SI001] search context: user="joeuser", app="searchdev", bs-pathname="H:\Splunk\var\run\searchpeers\SRV-SS001-1372108101"
DEBUG: [SRV-SI002] search context: user="joeuser", app="searchdev", bs-pathname="H:\Splunk\var\run\searchpeers\SRV-SS001-1372108101"
DEBUG: [SRV-SI001] search context: user="joeuser", app="searchdev", bs-pathname="H:\Splunk\var\run\searchpeers\SRV-SS001-1372108101"
DEBUG: [SRV-SI002] search context: user="joeuser", app="searchdev", bs-pathname="H:\Splunk\var\run\searchpeers\SRV-SS001-1372108101"
DEBUG: [subsearch]: Successfully read lookup file 'H:\Splunk\etc\apps\searchdev\lookups\porn_keywords.csv'.
DEBUG: base lispy: [ AND com google index::bcproxy sourcetype::bcoat_proxysg www [ OR amatuer bikini ecstacy eros erotic flashing hardcore nsfw nude nudity porn sex sexy softcore topless xxx ] ]
DEBUG: search context: user="joeuser", app="searchdev", bs-pathname="H:\Splunk\etc"
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