The dashboard panel works great except that due to the multi-select and the options in the query the initial page is waiting for input from the multi-select box and I cannot get the wildcard * to select all.
I would like to make the multi-select default 'all' but cannot get it to work. 'No results found.'
Edit: Posting code works a little different here than other sites.
<label>Date Range</label>
<eval token="">strftime(relative_time(now(),'earliest'), "%F %T")</eval>
<eval token="">strftime(relative_time(now(),'latest'), "%F %T")</eval>
<input type="multiselect" token="code" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="">All</choice>
<choice value="1">1</choice>
<choice value="2">2</choice>
<choice value="3">3</choice>
<delimiter> OR </delimiter>
<valuePrefix>Code = '</valuePrefix>
<query>| dbxquery query="SELECT Date,ID,City,Amount,Code FROM \"Safe\".\"dbo\".\"Data\" WHERE ($code$) AND (Date >= '$$' AND Date <= '$$')" connection="database" | sort num(City)</query>
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