First, this app looks very promising, thanks to the devs for the hard work!
Secondly, can we please get a better install and setup instructions document? I am new to Splunk, so I'm sure that is part of it, but I am having some real problems following how to get everything configured just right. There seems to be key pieces missing or glanced over in the documentation. It is assuming a working knowledge of Splunk, so that limits it's potential right off the bat. I'm not looking for an easy way out, just more details.
If there was a step-by-step install guide this app would be incredibly popular, it would take off so fast. However right now the learning curve is so great that I have to abandon work on implementing it and get back to day-to-day activities.
I really like this app, and maybe I'll give it another shot in a few months. By then I hope some of these growing pains have smoothed out.
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