Hi Jonathan,
I don't know if this will help you, but I'll like to help you more.
If I have understood well, you need the right javascript codes of inline icons under dashboard examples, in the simple_xml_examples you can choose Table Icon Set (Inline) for the good application that you need. Below is the right code for .js:
], function(_, $, mvc, TableView) {
var CustomIconRenderer = TableView.BaseCellRenderer.extend({
canRender: function(cell) {
return cell.field === 'count';
render: function($td, cell) {
var count = cell.value;
// Compute the icon base on the field value
var icon;
if(count > 3000) {
icon = 'alert-circle';
} else if(count > 1000) {
icon = 'alert';
} else {
icon = 'check';
// Create the icon element and add it to the table cell
$td.addClass('icon-inline numeric').html(_.template('<%- text %> <i class="icon-<%-icon%>"></i>', {
icon: icon,
text: cell.value
// Register custom cell renderer
tableView.table.addCellRenderer(new CustomIconRenderer());
// Force the table to re-render
You can found this table_icons_inline.js in the link below in your local machine if you have intalled simple_xml_examples app:
$Splunk_home$\etc\apps\simple_xml_examples\appserver\static then follow the below link in splunk web for simple xml code:
Please let me know if you have more suggestion. Thanks and regards
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