Can you edit props.conf to process json files?
and then something like:
search | rex "(?\{.*\})" | spath input=json_input |table fields
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for example here's the full data:
widgets total
item1 10
item2 8
item3 8
item4 8
item5 8
item6 4
and you have a query like
|top widgets limit=2.
There are is a 4 way tie for the second highest total, but Splunk will only show 2 rows. How does Splunk decide which row to show? What is a best practice to show item1,item2,item3, item4, and item5 (and not item6) in the results?
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I'm currently running this search
<data> | timechart span=24h count by day
This gives me from midnight to midnight, but I need 10 p.m. to 10 p.m. to capture a 'work day'
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