I don't see your image but you could try throwing a dedup before your stats. Something like:
index = ib_dhcp_lease_history dhcpd OR dhcpdv6 r - l - e ACTION = Issued LEASE_IP = 10. jdoe | dedup LEASE_IP date_mday |convert ctime(_time) as Time | stats dc(LEASE_IP) by Time, LEASE_IP, OPTION12HOST, date_mday | table Time, LEASE_IP, OPTION12HOST |rename LEASE_IP as "Leased IP", OPTION12HOST as "Host Name"
that will return the last instance so maybe something like:
index = ib_dhcp_lease_history dhcpd OR dhcpdv6 r - l - e ACTION = Issued LEASE_IP = 10. jdoe | reverse | dedup LEASE_IP date_mday | table Time, LEASE_IP, OPTION12HOST |rename LEASE_IP as "Leased IP", OPTION12HOST as "Host Name"
probably a better way to do it, but hope that helps
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