I am trying to configure the JMX add on app for my WebSphere Application, but I am getting this error message and not sure on how to resolve it. Please let me know on how to fix this.
For Splunk_TA_jmx app:
a) Created the Manage JMX Servers: 9810 -> Boot Strap Address of the WebSphere Application server.
Name Description Connection Account Interval App Actions
IISApp01 IISApp01 service:jmx:iiop://<hostname>/jndi/JSR160RMIConnector:iiop:<hostname>:9810/WsnAdminNameService#JSR160RMIConnector wasadmin Splunk_TA_jmx Delete | Edit
b) Added the associated task to the server.
Name Description Servers Templates Interval Index Source Type App Status Actions
IIS_AppJMX_01 IIS_AppJMX_01 Splunk_TA_jmx:IISApp01 Splunk_TA_jmx:Predefined_Get_All_Template 60 main jmx Splunk_TA_jmx Enabled | Disable
c) Error Message: the jmx log shows this error and I did try to troubleshoot it, but none of them doesn’t work.
2015-12-16 16:22:06,321 - com.splunk.modinput.ModularInput -720382 [Thread-7] ERROR - Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.ConfigurationException: NamingManager.getURLContext cannot find the factory for this scheme: jsr160rmiconnector
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