Hello Splunker!!
Could you please help me to optimize below query ? Customer saying dedup is taking so much resource consumption. So what should I change in the query so that the complete query gets optimized?
index=abc sourcetype=abc _tel type=TEL (trigger=MFC_SND OR trigger=FMC_SND) telegram_type=CO order_type=TO area=D10 aisle=A01 *1000383334*
| rex field=_raw "(?P<Ordernumber>[0-9]+)\[ETX\]"
| fields _time area aisle section source_tel position destination Ordernumber
| join area aisle
[ inputlookup isc where section=""
| fields area aisle mark_code
| rename area AS area aisle AS aisle]
| lookup movement_type mark_code source AS source_tel position AS position destination AS destination OUTPUT movement_type
| fillnull value="Unspecified" movement_type
| eval movement_category = case( movement_type like "%IH - LH%", "Storage", movement_type like "%LH - R%", "Storage", movement_type like "%IH - IH%", "Storage", movement_type like "%R - LH%", "Retrieval", movement_type like "%LH - O%", "Retrieval", 1 == 1, "Unknown" )
| fields - source_tel position destination
| dedup Ordernumber movement_category
| stats count AS orders by area aisle section movement_category movement_type Ordernumber _raw
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