I've been using a static method to get the desired representation so far but I'm testing using the lookup to populate the dropdown to show labels for my server "Category" field. The lookup has a full list of my hosts in the first column and their Category in the second column.
Old method, a dropdown Static option
Token : Hosts
Name : "BI" Value : dwhprd* OR host="dwhutilprd*" OR host="dwhclient*" OR host="dwhsql*" OR host="dwhmobile*" OR host="dwhmstr*" OR host="dwhiserver*" OR host="r2wdb02" OR host="r2wapp02" OR host="r2wpub02" OR host="dwhcisrv*" OR host="dwheisrv*"`
CPU Panel Query
[search index=os host=$Hosts$ sourcetype=cpu cpu="all" |eval cpu_used_percent=100-PercentIdleTime]
[search index=perfmon host=$Hosts$ source="Perfmon:CPU" counter="% User Time" OR counter="% Processor Time"
|eval cpu_user_percent=if(counter=="% User Time",round(Value,2),""), cpu_load_percent=if(counter=="% Processor Time",round(Value),""), cpu_used_percent=user_cpu+proc_cpu]
|eval lhost=upper(host)
|bin _time span=10m
|stats avg(cpu_user_percent) as user_cpu, avg(cpu_load_percent) as proc_cpu by host, _time
|stats last(user_cpu) as user_cpu, last(proc_cpu) as proc_cpu, sparkline(avg(user_cpu)) as "% User CPU Load", sparkline(avg(proc_cpu)) as "% Processor CPU Load" by host
|eval user_cpu=round(user_cpu,2), proc_cpu=round(proc_cpu,2)
|rename user_cpu as "% Current User CPU Load", proc_cpu as "% Current Processor Load"
| sort - "% Current User CPU Load"
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