Hi ,
I have search that is working fine and displaying the results that i need but i need events that are occuring before 1 min matching to my query and after 1min events matching to my query .I have tried transaction maxevent=10 ,maxpause=60s also but no luck please help me
index=BAC_TEST source="XXXX" OR source="XXXX" |transaction _time,SNMP_Message,dwCommandHandle |where isnotnull(SNMP_Message) |table _time,SNMP_Message,dwCommandHandle,Category
The scenario is like this I have two logs XFS TRACE LOG and SNMP LOG which are logged by application simultaneously just in few seconds delay
XFSTRACE LOG HAS Field called _time,dwCOMMANDHANDLE,Category
SNMP LOG has Fields called _time,SNMP_MESSAGE
I need to combine these two searches and correlate with each other and get the fields _time,dwCommandHandle,Category,SNMP_message
Based on my SNMP_message I have to look what dwCommand HANDLE has executed (but they don’t have same timings) so whenever I have a snmp_message in my log I have to check what dw_Command handle has executed 1m before the SNMP_message timestamp and 1m after the SNMP_message time stamp
Till now what I have tried is this
index=BAC_TEST source="C:\BAC\SNMP.LOG" OR source="C:\BAC\XFSTrace.log" |transaction _time,SNMP_Message,dwCommandHandle maxevents=10|where isnotnull(SNMP_Message) |table _time,SNMP_Message,dwCommandHandle,Category
Attaching a screen shot of the table that I got but I am not able to achieve the 1m after the matching SNMP message and 1 min after this can u pls help me
Deepthi Bulusu
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