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- Posted Re: Dashboard Studio Single Value with Trendlines on Splunk Enterprise. 01-28-2025 06:43 AM
- Posted Re: Dashboard Studio Single Value with Trendlines on Splunk Enterprise. 01-27-2025 11:14 AM
- Posted Re: Dashboard Studio Single Value with Trendlines on Splunk Enterprise. 01-27-2025 10:27 AM
- Posted Dashboard Studio Single Value with Trendlines on Splunk Enterprise. 01-27-2025 06:58 AM
- Posted Re: Lookup Table Modifying _time and timepicker ignoring on Splunk Search. 01-24-2025 07:32 AM
- Posted Re: Lookup Table Modifying _time and timepicker ignoring on Splunk Search. 01-24-2025 06:51 AM
- Posted Lookup Table Modifying _time and timepicker ignoring on Splunk Search. 01-24-2025 06:30 AM
- Posted Re: block any search for index=* with workload on Getting Data In. 12-03-2024 06:52 AM
- Posted Why are scheduled searches defaulting to other and causing wrong cron timezone? on Alerting. 04-11-2023 07:30 AM
- Posted Re: Splunk Add-on for AWS Issues with Kinesis Pull on All Apps and Add-ons. 07-21-2022 05:41 AM
- Posted How to Work Around Distinct 10K Limit on Splunk Search. 06-01-2022 07:19 AM
- Posted Re: Dynamically Subtract Two Last Column Values on Splunk Search. 05-02-2022 10:28 AM
- Posted How to dynamically subtract two last column values? on Splunk Search. 05-02-2022 08:33 AM
- Posted Re: How to get Stats values by Month as a Column? on Dashboards & Visualizations. 03-29-2022 07:34 AM
- Posted How to get Stats values by Month as a Column? on Dashboards & Visualizations. 03-25-2022 12:40 PM
- Tagged How to get Stats values by Month as a Column? on Dashboards & Visualizations. 03-25-2022 12:40 PM
- Posted Re: How to set an alert to fire based on lookup table value? on Splunk Search. 02-23-2022 01:38 PM
- Posted How to set an alert to fire based on lookup table value? on Splunk Search. 02-23-2022 06:17 AM
- Posted Re: Reading complexed nested Json on Splunk Search. 02-16-2022 08:36 AM
- Posted Re: Reading complexed nested Json on Splunk Search. 02-16-2022 07:54 AM
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12:05 PM
Hi, Given the below search: index="my_index" source="mysource" _index_earliest=-1h
| rex field=_raw "\:\sPT(?P<respt>\d+\.\d+)"
| fields response_time_ms respt| convert num(respt) as response_time_ms
| eval response_time_ms = response_time_ms*1000
| stats exactperc95(response_time_ms) as myPercent Works fine in the UI, but when I try to execute through the API i get no data back and an obscure message. myPercent Specified field(s) missing from results: 'response_time_ms' myPercent Can't figure out what is going on, I have listed the field in "rf" with no luck. I do have search API working for other info, so I know credentials and my POST is accurate. Is there a limitation on stats? Thanks Chris
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- Labels:
search job inspector
12:01 PM
Maybe I'm not explaining it correctly. The events being returned are always within the time modifier on the search.
Try this(for those watching): index=main earliest=-30m for last 4 hours and look at the job inspector for earliestTime, then do the same for ALL Time. The earliestTime is the first event of the index, which tells me splunk is searching all the events and not limiting to a 30 min window based on _time. It takes much longer too, I usually kill it.
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10:05 AM
I must be missing something. I have a simple search using a time modifier:
index=MyIndex earliest=-30m
My expectation is when I search, the results will be searched and returned only over the last 30 minutes of events. When I use the time picker and set to ALL TIME, it still only returns the last 30 minutes but searches over ALL EVENTS? Is this the correct behavior?
I looked at the job log and it did have the earliest event as the first event in the index (ALL TIME) with the time modifier. Read this a few times, and didn't see any verbiage to this behavior.
Thank you!
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01:37 PM
1 Karma
I see tstats, think you meant:
| tstats count where (host=hosta OR host=hostb OR host =hostc) by host
But that didn't help, it still takes over seconds (5-8) for the append. Even with a small time window, 15 min. dispatch.evaluate.append is where it is spending time.
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05:53 AM
1 Karma
Hi, I'm trying to create a search that returns certain hosts that are NOT found returning data. I know I can do this with a lookup table, but I wanted to see if I could just embed the hosts in the SPL to prevent the need for a lookup (less maintenance). Below is what is working, but the append is taking a long time. Any suggestions on how I can get this to perform better?
Thank you!
| makeresults
| eval host="hosta hostb hostc" `comment("This uses a events that create an event for each host")`
| makemv delim=" " host
| mvexpand host
| append
[ search index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd component=Metrics (host=hosta OR host=hostb OR host=hostc)
| fields host ]
| stats count by host
| search count=1
| mvcombine host delim="name:"
| nomv host | eval hoststring= "name:" + host
| fields hoststring |`comment("This is evaluated against the search and if no host exists, a value of 1 event will be returned with a formated string")`
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12:55 PM
Ok I figured this out based on the tips. "TestName1, TestValue1, TestName2, TestValue2, TestName3, TestValue3" where the actual field names and not the data. Below are the real fields and I had to make up one large field, added delimiters and Regex to slice.
| eval myCritical =(
"Critical1:" + "MetricName:" + Crit1MetricName + "Name:" +Crit1Name + "Operator:" + Crit1Operator + "Value:" + Crit1Value + "," +
"Critical2:" + "MetricName:" + Crit2MetricName + "Name:" +Crit2Name + "Operator:" + Crit2Operator + "Value:" + Crit2Value + "," +
"Critical3:" + "MetricName:" + Crit3MetricName + "Name:" +Crit3Name + "Operator:" + Crit3Operator + "Value:" + Crit3Value + "," +
"Critical4:" + "MetricName:" + Crit4MetricName + "Name:" +Crit4Name + "Operator:" + Crit4Operator + "Value:" + Crit4Value + "," +
"Critical4:" + "MetricName:" + Crit5MetricName + "Name:" +Crit5Name + "Operator:" + Crit5Operator + "Value:" + Crit5Value + ","
) | rex max_match=0 field=myCritical "(?<Critical>[^,\n]+)"
| table Critical
Thank you!
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06:18 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, but still struggling. This is from a lookup table, so makeresults is erroring. My base search is:
|inputlookup MyLookUpTable.csv | search ApplicationName=MyApplicaiton
| fields Crit1MetricName Crit1Name Crit1Operator Crit1Type Crit1Value
Crit2MetricName Crit2Name Crit2Operator Crit2Type Crit2Value
Crit3MetricName Crit3Name Crit3Operator Crit3Type Crit3Value
Crit4MetricName Crit4Name Crit4Operator Crit4Type Crit4Value
Crit5MetricName Crit5Name Crit5Operator Crit5Type Crit5Value
the field names are real from the csv. So what I'm looking for is a table to output the following:
Row 1 = Crit1MetricName ,Crit1Name, Crit1Operator, Crit1Type, Crit1Value
Row 2= Crit2MetricName ,Crit2Name ,Crit2Operator, Crit2Type, Crit2Value
Row 3= Crit3MetricName ,Crit3Name, Crit3Operator, Crit3Type, Crit3Value
Row 4 = Crit4MetricName ,Crit4Name, Crit4Operator, Crit4Type, Crit4Value
Row 5 = Crit5MetricName ,Crit5Name ,Crit5Operator, Crit5Type, Crit5Value
Thank you!
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01:28 PM
I have data in One event listed as TestName1, TestValue1, TestName2, TestValue2, TestName3, TestValue3. I want to have them show up on separate rows in a table as:
TestName 1 TestValue 1
TestName 2 TestValue 2
TestName3 TestValue 3
Tried several examples but nothing worked. Any idea?
Thank you,
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- Tags:
- row
- splunk-enterprise
01:42 PM
Hi, reading the docs but can't find what I'm looking for. We have the Splunk App for AWS, is there a way to just receive Cloudwatch Alarms in Splunk? We do not want to ingest all the cloudwatch metrics.
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05:48 AM
OMG thank you. Been banging my head for days trying to figure out what was going on!!!
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07:26 AM
Single. No forwarders.
Thanks for trying to help.
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08:49 AM
Thanks. I just tried :
Still no go. Maybe I'm missing something in reading the props.conf docs...
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11:12 AM
Given the below:
disabled = false
host = MyServer
index = MyIndex
sourcetype = MySourceType
ignoreOlderThan = 2d
recursive = false
whitelist = (MyLog1\d+-\d+\.txt)|(MyLog2\d+-\d+\.txt)
TRANSFORMS-trash = badError, badError2
TIME_FORMAT = %m/%d/%Y %T
sourcetype = MySourceType
TRANSFORMS-removejunk = setnull , setparsing
TRANSFORMS-removejunk = setnull , setparsing
TRANSFORMS-removejunk = setnull , setparsing
I'm trying to have a transform just for one of the log files (MyLog2) in the white list. The file is a UNC path and I have tried the 3 naming entries and nothing works. I use setnull and setparsing elsewhere so I know they function properly.
Is there a way to do this by source?
I have a workaround by creating a separate stanza just for this file, but it would be less configuration to be able to use the white list and execute a transform by source name.
Thank you,
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07:10 AM
Hmm, just noticed I'm not getting the results from the base search. Is there a way I can see both the base search and map search as events?
This is what I'm running.
index=myindex AND sourcetype=mysource AND Name="SYSTEM_ERROR"
| eval start_time=_time-10
| eval end_time=start_time+10
| map search="search index=myindex source="anothersource" earliest=$start_time$ latest=$end_time$"
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01:17 PM
No, but I did now! Thanks! All working. Didnt know about Map.
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12:48 PM
1 Karma
Hi, can't seem to get what I'm looking for working. Here is what I want to do.
Issue a main search of events. Find events around the same time (+/- 10 seconds) around each event of the main search. My result set would be list of events before and after (+/- 10 sec) each main search event.
Any ideas?
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- Tags:
- join
12:09 PM
Thanks, but wouldn't that still execute both EXTRACTs? I just want One or the Other.
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11:50 AM
Hi, banging my head...
04/22/2016 09:23:50,865 - ERROR - exception occurred --- FOO BAR
Severity: Error
Message: Timeout expired.
MachineName: MY MACHINE
04/22/2016 09:23:56,318 - ERROR - exception occurred --- System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
I have a single log file that contains the two formats. What I want to do is if the entry has "Message:", then make this the extracted field ErrorMessage, Else If the entry have "ERROR" then, make this the extracted field ErrorMessage.
(?:Message:)|(?:ERROR -)|\s+(?P(?:[^\n]*)) this is the regex I started with and modified with few things and I still can't get it right.
Help appreciated.
Thank you,
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10:56 AM
I have ran into that too. I had to put in an Alert just to tell me DB Connect 2 is having issues. Sometimes it happens twice a day, other times I can be up for weeks.
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10:47 AM
Ok, as expected, I over thought this one. Since the Alert first when the return result is NOT 0, the doing this:
search myfield = * OR "Caught exception Splunkd daemon is not responding"
Works for my Alert (it wont fire if a Splunkd exception is returned).
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06:44 AM
Hi, this should be simple, but its making my head hurt.
(index=myindex OR index=_internal) (myfield=* OR source=*dbx2*) | search myfield = * NOT "Caught exception Splunkd daemon is not responding"
At times, I have ran into issues with the splunkd not responding for DB2. I have the above search in an Alert. It fires when there are 0 rows within 10 minutes (there should always be at least one row in 10 min), but I don't want it to fire if it finds "Caught exception Splunkd daemon is not responding".
I think I'm going about this wrong. How can I make a conditional alert that only fires if 0 rows are returned in the search and does not contain "Caught exception Splunkd daemon is not responding"?
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06:43 AM
Thanks for your response. Ok, so I got rid of the Join and saw you used Eventstats so I gave the below a try.
index=logs AND (sourcetype=Metrics OR (LogLevel=ERROR AND ErrorType="BAD_ORDER" ))
| eventstats count(eval(Name!="SUCCESS")) as bad_orders, count(eval(Name=="SUCCESS")) as good_orders | eval percent_bad=100*bad_orders/good_orders | where percent_bad > 20 |search ErrorType="BAD_ORDER", OrderNumber != NULL | table percent_bad, _time ,OrderNumber, ErrorMessage, ErrorMessage2
Seems like its working, I'll need to analyse more to see if the calculations are correct. If there is a better way, please share!
Thanks for your help!
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01:54 PM
This search below is working great....
index=logs AND (sourcetype=eMetrics) | JOIN type=outer OrderNumber [ search index=logs AND LogLevel=ERROR AND ErrorType="BAD_ORDER" ]
| stats count(eval(Name!="SUCCESS")) as bad_orders, count(eval(Name=="SUCCESS")) as good_orders | eval percent_bad=100*bad_orders/good_orders | where percent_bad > 30
However, adding the table command does not work.
index=logs AND (sourcetype=eMetrics) | JOIN type=outer OrderNumber [ search index=logs AND LogLevel=ERROR AND ErrorType="BAD_ORDER" ]
| stats count(eval(Name!="SUCCESS")) as bad_orders, count(eval(Name=="SUCCESS")) as good_orders | eval percent_bad=100*bad_orders/good_orders | where percent_bad > 30 | table OrderNumber, ErrorMessage
Any ideas? I'm trying to use this as an alert and it will display a table of bad_orders with a few Event fields.
Thank you!
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