Internal change management for Splunk configs

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Internal change management for Splunk configs

Internal change management for Splunk configs
While the addition of several REST endpoints allow great insight into the current state of a particular configuration there is no way to use them to see what the config used to be. This app is designed to help Splunk admins bridge that gap by providing visibility and reporting for several config areas. It should be noted that this app should not be thought of as a replacement for a fully functioning version control system. That said it does provide some good value in this space. It also helps give some quick backup and restore capability for things like saved searches created by users which might not be covered by an external version system. The configurations covered by this app include the following however the process to add additional ones is pretty easy and straight forward. Apps - focused on permissions Eventtypes Indexes Macros Props Roles Saved Searches / Reports Serverclass (Deployment Server) Transforms Users
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