Currency Exchange

Splunk Community

Currency Exchange

Currency Exchange
This app indexes currency exchange rates that are provided in a file by the user. First gunzip/untar the app in Splunk's app directory. Then, edit the bin/exchange.txt file to add or delete your own exchanges using standard currency symbols. Then, test it by running bin/ If you did not put spaces in between the symbols, the symbols are valid, the provider web site is up, and there are no extra newlines at the end of your file, you should get valid events. Next, restart Splunk. Although this has not been tested on Windows, it is set up to run on Windows provided that you have Python to test it and enable the input. There is one other dashboard called Currency Dashboard, beside the default form search called 'Search: currency - table of all rates' The configurable scripted input interval is set to 2 hours. All rates are provided by: as is.
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