Splunk Cloud Gateway

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Splunk Cloud Gateway

Splunk Cloud Gateway
Splunk Cloud Gateway is a required companion app for the Connected Experiences apps. It's a secure, cloud-based bridge for transferring data from your Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud deployment to mobile devices. Announcement: This is a notice to inform you that support for Splunk Cloud Gateway will end on October 11, 2021. We’re upgrading and improving the Splunk Mobile and Connected Experiences experience by replacing Splunk Cloud Gateway with a revamped and streamlined application called Splunk Secure Gateway. If you haven't done so already, we strongly recommend that you migrate from Splunk Cloud Gateway to the Splunk Secure Gateway app before the End of Support on October 11, 2021. Splunk Enterprise 8.1 or higher and Splunk Cloud 8.1.2103 and higher already include Splunk Secure Gateway. Enable Splunk Secure Gateway and use the migration feature in the app to migrate your devices. If your Splunk deployment is running versions below these Splunk platform versions, update your Splunk Cloud Gateway app to version 1.13.3 before October 11, 2021 to continue using the app without interruption. After October 11, 2021, all versions of Splunk Cloud Gateway below 1.13.3 will no longer function.
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