You should be able to. There is a time limit for you to complete the online on-demand video training and within that time, you should be able to access the vidoes and traverse through modules without any hinderence.
If you are still within the time limit and can't access previously completed modules, drop an Email to educaiton at (depending on your region):
Americas: education_amer@splunk.com
Europe: education_emea@splunk.com
Asia/Japan/Australia: education_apac@splunk.com
Or more specifically, you can reach out to the certification team at: certification@splunk.com
Hope that helps.
You should be able to. There is a time limit for you to complete the online on-demand video training and within that time, you should be able to access the vidoes and traverse through modules without any hinderence.
If you are still within the time limit and can't access previously completed modules, drop an Email to educaiton at (depending on your region):
Americas: education_amer@splunk.com
Europe: education_emea@splunk.com
Asia/Japan/Australia: education_apac@splunk.com
Or more specifically, you can reach out to the certification team at: certification@splunk.com
Hope that helps.
Thank you for the response. I did manage to finish the Splunk Fundamentals 1 and wrote the final test. Will be starting the Fundamentals 2 soon.