I have several log files that I´m "batch indexing".
for example:
Now I´m searching if an field equals an value like State=4
And now I just want to do another search that searches only in this source-files where the State was 4.
I tried this:
index=test sourcetype=XY State=4 | stats count by source |map search="search index=test sourcetype=XY source=$source$ |stats values(cpu) by _time "
but I´m getting no results.
If I run the first search without the map section, I´m getting the source-files as an List
I figured it out:
index=test sourcetype=XY cpu="*"
[search index=test sourcetype=XY State=4 |table source]
|table source State cpu
|join source [search index=test sourcetype=XY State=4 |table source State ]
|table State cpu
| tstats max(PREFIX("cpu=")) as cpu where index=test sourcetype=XY (source=file01.log OR source=file02.log OR source=file03.log OR source=file04.log) by PREFIX("State=") _time
| where 'State='=4
ok, but I can´t name every file.log because there are thousands...
| tstats max(PREFIX("cpu=")) as cpu where index=test sourcetype=XY [|tstats count where index=test sourcetype=XY by source| fields source | format ] by PREFIX("State=") _time
| where 'State='=4
The conditions change too much.
I figured it out:
index=test sourcetype=XY cpu="*"
[search index=test sourcetype=XY State=4 |table source]
|table source State cpu
|join source [search index=test sourcetype=XY State=4 |table source State ]
|table State cpu