Hello I need to use the mathematical opération called "two's complement".
In C programming language it is written like that :
I can't find a function similar in Splunk. If someone has an idea.
While it will take a minor amount of programming skills (probably not a lot), I think a scripted input may be your best choice. You could use either method described: stream it in via the script, or use the script to rewrite to a new file that Splunk reads. Either way, it's basically that you use the script to modify the latitude and longitude fields first into something like whate you need.
I don't think there is a function for that, but maybe you can use the answer below to save yourself some work. I guess you could just flip the bits during the replace as well?
Thanks Maciep for your reply. I will be obliged to do this "string" manipulation since there is no binary operator
I do not vote for that because it seems very weird to me ...
What exactly are you trying to accomplish with two's complement? Perhaps there is another way to achieve your goal.
Hello richgalloway.
Thanks for your reply.
I have a log containing traffic data regarding planes. The purpose is to represent where the planes are.
In the log, the latitude and longitude are coded in "hex two's complement".
I need to translate the data in order to use the geostats function.
Since I did not find the function, I am preparing myself to translate each Hexadecimal character in binary code. And then replace each 1 by zero and each zero by one. But if I could find the function already done ...
I'm not aware of any function that will perform that calculation.