My current search is -
| tstats count AS event_count WHERE index=* BY host, _time span=1h
| append [ | inputlookup Domain_Computers | fields cn, operatingSystem, operatingSystemVersion
| eval host = coalesce(host, cn)]
| fillnull value="0" total_events
| stats sparkline(sum(event_count)) AS event_count_sparkline sum(event_count) AS total_events BY host
How do I get operatingSystem to display in my table? When I add it to the end of my search BY host, operatingSystem my stats break in the table.
Add the operating system to the list of values returned by stats rather than as one of the group-by options.
| stats sparkline(sum(event_count)) AS event_count_sparkline sum(event_count) AS total_events, values(operatingSystem as operatingSystems BY host
Add the operating system to the list of values returned by stats rather than as one of the group-by options.
| stats sparkline(sum(event_count)) AS event_count_sparkline sum(event_count) AS total_events, values(operatingSystem as operatingSystems BY host