I have a query like :
index=XXX sourcetype=YYY |search AGE = "*" NAME="CIA" OR NAME="FIA" |timechart span=1h sum(FIELD) as TOTAL1 | delta TOTAL1 as HERO | table _time HERO
I want my output as an area graph as a stacked graph but it should show CIA and FIA with the _time . I want to show _time in x-axis and in y it will be stacked graph for LIA and CIA. When I am modifying my query it is giving the straight line, it is not showing the ups and downs of the graph .
So please help me to use timechart command with by clause with multiple fileds using delta
Try this
If value for Name is ststic as CIA and FIA
index=XXX sourcetype=YYY |search AGE = "*" NAME="CIA" OR NAME="FIA" |timechart span=1h sum(FIELD) by NAME| delta CIA as HEROCIA | delta FIA as HEREFIA | table _time HEROCIA HEROFIA
Try this
If value for Name is ststic as CIA and FIA
index=XXX sourcetype=YYY |search AGE = "*" NAME="CIA" OR NAME="FIA" |timechart span=1h sum(FIELD) by NAME| delta CIA as HEROCIA | delta FIA as HEREFIA | table _time HEROCIA HEROFIA
Try this for dynamic value of Name.
index=XXX sourcetype=YYY AGE = "*" NAME="CIA" OR NAME="FIA" |bucket span=1h _time | stats sum(FIELD) as sum by _time,NAME|sort 0 _time| steamstats current=f window=1 first (sum) as prev by Name eval delta=sum - prev | xyseries _time Name delta
Additionally, drop off the |search
index=XXX sourcetype=YYY AGE = "*" (NAME="CIA" OR NAME="FIA") | timechart ...
How to make a query if the Name is not static as CIA and FIA ..
index=XXX sourcetype=YYY |search AGE = "" NAME="" |timechart span=1h sum(FIELD) by NAME| delta.......
please help in this regards, If the value is known then it is ok with the above example, but if the value is not known then how to deal with this kind of situation ? please help !!
Awesome, you are just awesome !! really very very much appreciated !!