If a log is generated every time a user comments on a blog
index=bloglog sourcetype=comments | timechart count by username
You'll get a great timechart with 10 (or whatever your limit is) usernames, and an other. How does Splunk decide what usernames would get shown? Can I assume that if they're visible, they had the most events in the time period?
It displays the users having top count values as per default limit and the rest all users will be grouped as others . To change the limit you can use limit=0 ( all users) or some other number as per your requirement.
You can also add "useother=0" in your timechart search command to remove the other field.
Hope this helps.
It displays the users having top count values as per default limit and the rest all users will be grouped as others . To change the limit you can use limit=0 ( all users) or some other number as per your requirement.
You can also add "useother=0" in your timechart search command to remove the other field.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for helping. I figured that was the logic, but wanted to confirm.