I am trying to write a query that filters our users' network traffic. I would like the query to return information on the top 2 users in each type of web site category and when available provide the most frequently accessed URL in that category. Sometimes the URL value is NULL.
For example, results could be:
Count Category User URL
27 news bob msn.com
15 news sally news.google.com
80 games joe gamespot.com
33 games alice giantbomb.com
150 social-net jill facebook.com
12 social-net bob twitter.com
60 unknown joe
So far I have come up with this, but it does not return the top two and I know the URL value returned does not necessarily correspond with the user.
search... | stats mode(User) mode(URL) count by Category
Thanks for any help.
Here is some sample raw data ("web-browsing" is the Category and the URL exists in the second sample only):
Feb 16 16:14:54 Feb 16 16:14:54 1,2012/02/16 16:14:54,000000000,TRAFFIC,end,1,2012/02/16 16:14:53,,,,,PermitAlloutgoingwithScanning,bob,,web-browsing,vsys1,Trust,Untrust,ethernet1/2,ethernet1/1,syslog,2012/02/16 16:14:53,99723,1,55628,80,5238,80,0x400000,tcp,allow,2157,2157,2157,10,2012/02/16 16:12:27,116,allow-list,0,0,0x0,,United States,0
Feb 16 16:14:54 Feb 16 16:14:53 1,2012/02/16 16:14:53,000000000,THREAT,url,1,2012/02/16 16:14:52,,,,,PermitAlloutgoingwithScanning,sally,,web-browsing,vsys1,Trust,Untrust,ethernet1/2,ethernet1/1,syslog,2012/02/16 16:14:53,52281,1,51046,80,14287,80,0x408000,tcp,alert,"www.cdgnow.com/resources/images/theme/content/secondary-nav-li-a-bg.png",(9999),business-and-economy,informational,client-to-server,0,0x0,,United States,0,text/html
If I understand you correctly, this should do what you want
your_search | stats c AS Requests mode(URL) AS Most_Popular by User, Category | sort - Requests | dedup 2 Category | sort Category
Hope this helps,
If I understand you correctly, this should do what you want
your_search | stats c AS Requests mode(URL) AS Most_Popular by User, Category | sort - Requests | dedup 2 Category | sort Category
Hope this helps,
Thanks Kristian, that did the trick.
Can you post some of the raw data that the above results will be drawn from?