Below are my log entry
DateTime=2020-12-16 14:19:01:888 UTC, Type=Orchestrator Event Log, Environment=prod, Thread=[Processor-ENSDelivery-PRODOCSNotification001-5], Logger=com.expedia.www.orchestrator.service.OrchestratorProcessor Message=[Email_TransactionStatus=SUCCESS, OrchestrationStatus=WWW_Template, FallBackStatus=MODULE_BUILDER_FAILED, FallBackReason=LxVirtualCurrencyRefundAmount and LXCreditCardRefundAmount both are null or empty]
This is my splunk query
index=app splunk_server_group="bexg*" sourcetype=orchestrator-service* NOT "url=/isActive" NOT "" Email_TransactionStatus FallBackStatus=MODULE_BUILDER_FAILED | stats count by FallBackStatus, FallBackReason
It shows like below
FallBackStatus FallBackReason Count
MODULE_BUILDER_FAILED LxVirtualCurrencyRefundAmount 1
My expected output
FallBackStatus FallBackReason Count
MODULE_BUILDER_FAILED LxVirtualCurrencyRefundAmount and LXCreditCardRefundAmount both are null or empty 1
It seems the mentioned case FallBackReason filed value getting cropped.
Your help much appreciated and it would be great if you can suggest me how can I change my query?
Thanks for your help. It would be great if you can modify below query
index=app splunk_server_group="bexg*" sourcetype=orchestrator-service* NOT "url=/isActive" NOT "" Email_TransactionStatus FallBackStatus=MODULE_BUILDER_FAILED | stats count by FallBackStatus, FallBackReason
You'll have to parse the event yourself.
index=app splunk_server_group="bexg*" sourcetype=orchestrator-service* NOT "url=/isActive" NOT "" Email_TransactionStatus FallBackStatus=MODULE_BUILDER_FAILED
| rex "FallBackReason=(?<FallBackReason>[^,]+)"
| stats count by FallBackStatus, FallBackReason
By default, Splunk will parse key=value log formats automatically, but it assume the value field ends at the first space. The solution (other than modifying the logger) is to use a custom configuration to parse the log.
Start with these props:
TIME_FORMAT = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%3N %Z
LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)
TRANSFORM-parser = mysourcetypeparser
Then in transforms.conf:
REGEX = ([^=]+)=([^,]+)
FORMAT = $1::$2