Hi Team
i want to display the success and failure count for that i have only one field i.e
using this i could get the success count how can i get the count of jobs that are failed
Below is the query and it doesnt return the failure count
....|eval status=if(b_failed="false","success","failed")
|stats count(status) as count
can someone please correct me
Try this
|stats sum(eval(if(b_failed="false",1,0))) as success_count, sum(eval(if(b_failed="false",0,1))) as failed_count
Try this
|stats sum(eval(if(b_failed="false",1,0))) as success_count, sum(eval(if(b_failed="false",0,1))) as failed_count
check stats + eval from this page https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.2.0/SearchReference/Stats
I think that this is your solution.
r. Ismo