Hi ..
I have a special alerts app which is used to generate email alerts..Now in this app i have customized the default sendemail.py file to local_sendemail.py and placed in bin folder fo myalerts app.
Now added the commands.conf in my "myalerts" app to point the sendemail command to my local customized file..
// commands.conf settings
filename = local_sendemail.py
streaming = false
run_in_preview = false
passauth = true
required_fields =
changes_colorder = false
supports_rawargs = true
Now when i try to run the following sendemail command in my "myalerts" app . i.e
index="*"|sendemail to="example@splunk.com" format=html subject=myresults server=mailserver.com sendresults=true
it is throwing me the following error ..
External search command 'sendemail' returned error code 1
Can anyone pls help..? Searched all the answers but couldnt find the solution..
# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Splunk Inc. All Rights Reserved. Version 4.0
import re,sys,time,logging,splunk.Intersplunk, splunk.mining.dcutils as dcu
import smtplib, sys, StringIO, base64, os, socket, urllib, urllib2, urlparse, ssl
from xml.sax import saxutils
import cStringIO, csv
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
from email.header import Header
import splunk.search as search
import splunk.entity as entity
import splunk.clilib.cli_common as cli_common
from splunk.util import setSSLWrapProtocol
importanceMap = {
"highest": "1 (Highest)",
"high" : "2 (High)",
"low" : "4 (Low)",
"lowest" : "5 (Lowest)",
"1" : "1 (Highest)",
"2" : "2 (High)",
"4" : "4 (Low)",
"5" : "5 (Lowest)"
logger = dcu.getLogger()
charset = "UTF-8"
class PDFException(Exception):
def getCredentials(sessionKey, namespace):
ent = entity.getEntity('admin/alert_actions', 'email', namespace=namespace, owner='nobody', sessionKey=sessionKey)
if 'auth_username' in ent and 'clear_password' in ent:
return ent['auth_username'], ent['clear_password']
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Could not get email credentials from splunk, using no credentials. Error: %s" % (str(e)))
return '', ''
def getJobMessages(searchid, sessionKey):
# try to get the job status immediately without retry
job = search.getJob(searchid, sessionKey=sessionKey, message_level='warn', status_fetch_timeout=0)
return job.messages
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Could not get job status for searchId=%s, Error: %s" % (searchid, str(e)))
return {}
def toBool(strVal):
if strVal == None:
return False
lStrVal = strVal.lower()
if lStrVal == "true" or lStrVal == "t" or lStrVal == "1" or lStrVal == "yes" or lStrVal == "y" :
return True
return False
def isASCII(str):
for i in str:
if ord(i) > 127:
return False
return True
def escape(str, plainTextMode):
if plainTextMode:
return str
return saxutils.escape(str)
def renderJobMessages(messages, plainTextMode):
result = ''
for k,v in messages.items():
result += 'Message Level: ' + k.upper() + '\n'
i = 1
for m in v:
result += str(i) + '. ' + escape(m, plainTextMode) + '\n'
i += 1
result + '\n'
if len(result) > 0:
result = '\n-- Search generated the following messages -- \n' + result
return result
def unquote(val):
if val is not None and len(val) > 1 and val.startswith('"') and val.endswith('"'):
return val[1:-1]
return val
def getarg(argvals, name, defaultVal=None):
return unquote(argvals.get(name, defaultVal))
EMAIL_DELIM = re.compile('\s*[,;]\s*')
def mail(argvals, settings, bodytext=''):
serverURL = getarg(argvals, "server", "localhost")
sender = getarg(argvals, "from", "splunk")
to = getarg(argvals, "to" , None)
cc = getarg(argvals, "cc" , None)
bcc = getarg(argvals, "bcc", None)
subject = getarg(argvals, "subject" , "Splunk Results")
format = getarg(argvals, "format" , "html")
importance = getarg(argvals, "priority", None)
inline = getarg(argvals, "inline" , "true").lower()
plainText = format != "html"
sendresults = toBool(getarg(argvals, "sendresults" , "false"))
sendpdf = toBool(getarg(argvals, "sendpdf" , "false"))
pdfview = getarg(argvals, "pdfview" , "")
searchid = getarg(argvals, "searchid" , None)
use_ssl = toBool(getarg(argvals, "use_ssl" , "false"))
use_tls = toBool(getarg(argvals, "use_tls" , "false"))
username = getarg(argvals, "username" , "")
password = getarg(argvals, "password" , "")
sessionKey = settings.get('sessionKey', None)
# fetch credentials from the endpoint if none are supplied or password is encrypted
if (len(username) == 0 and len(password) == 0) or password.startswith('$1$') :
namespace = settings.get("namespace", None)
username, password = getCredentials(sessionKey, namespace)
# use the Header object to specify UTF-8 msg headers, such as subject, to, cc etc
message = MIMEMultipart()
if isASCII(subject):
message['Subject'] = subject
message['Subject'] = Header(subject, charset)
recipients = []
if to:
message['To'] = to
if sender:
message['From'] = sender
if cc:
for addr in EMAIL_DELIM.split(cc):
message['Cc'] = addr
if bcc:
for addr in EMAIL_DELIM.split(bcc):
message['Bcc'] = addr
# Clear leading / trailing whitespace from recipients
recipients = [r.strip() for r in recipients]
if importance:
# look up better name
val = importanceMap.get(importance.lower(), None)
# unknown value, use value user supplied
if val == None:
val = importance
message['X-Priority'] = val
intro = ''
# write out a condensed body if we are just delivering a PDF snapshot
# of a view/URI
if pdfview:
intro += 'Scheduled view delivery.\n\nA PDF snapshot has been generated for the view: %s.\n\n' % pdfview
# intro += "Saved search results.\n\n"
if settings != None:
user = settings.get("user", None)
if user:
intro += "User: \'" + escape(user, plainText) + "\'\n"
#ssName = getarg(argvals, "ssname", None)
#if ssName:
# intro += "Name: \'" + escape(ssName, plainText) + "\'\n"
#query = getarg(argvals, "ssquery", None)
#if query:
# intro += "Query Terms: \'" + escape(query, plainText) + "\'\n"
#ssLink = getarg(argvals, "sslink", None)
#if ssLink and not plainText:
ssLink = "<a href=\"" + ssLink + "\">" + ssLink + "</a>"
#if ssLink:
# intro += "Link to results: " + ssLink + "\n";
#ssSummary = getarg(argvals, "sssummary", None)
#if ssSummary:
# intro += "Alert was triggered because of: \'" + escape(ssSummary, plainText) + "\'\n"
bodyformat = "html"
if plainText:
bodyformat = "plain"
# create the body of the email and attach or inline results if required. Make sure to #
# adhere to the requested format and proper tag balancing. #
body = StringIO.StringIO()
pdf = None
errorLines = []
if sendpdf:
# will raise an Exception on error
pdf = generatePDF(getarg(argvals, "sslink", None), subject, searchid, settings, pdfview)
except PDFException, e:
errorLines.append("An error occurred while generating a PDF of this report:")
logger.error("An error occurred while generating a PDF of this report: %s" % e)
if sendresults and toBool(settings.get('truncated')):
intro += '\nNOTE: Search results in this email might have been truncated. Please visit the search job page to view the full resultset\n'
intro += renderJobMessages(getJobMessages(searchid, sessionKey), plainText)
if not plainText:
intro = intro.replace("\n", "\n<BR> \n") + "<BR><BR>\n"
if toBool(inline) or inline == "none" or not sendresults:
# inline the results if required to
if inline != "none" and sendresults:
if errorLines:
if plainText:
body.write("<BR><BR> \n\n")
body.write("<BR>\n".join([saxutils.escape(err) for err in errorLines]))
# correctly close the html if we're not in plaintext mode
if not plainText:
message.attach(MIMEText(body.getvalue(), bodyformat, _charset=charset))
attachStr = "\nSearch results attached:\n\n";
if errorLines:
attachStr += "\n\n"
if plainText:
attachStr += "\n".join(errorLines)
attachStr += "\n".join([saxutils.escape(err) for err in errorLines])
if not plainText:
attachStr = attachStr.replace("\n", "\n<BR>\n") + "</BODY></HTML>"
message.attach(MIMEText(body.getvalue(), bodyformat, _charset=charset))
# now attach the results as a separate file
filename = "splunk-results.csv"
mimetype = "text"
subtype = "csv"
attachment = MIMEBase(mimetype, subtype)
attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename)
if pdf:
mail_log_msg = 'Sending email. subject="%s", results_link="%s", recepients="%s"' % (
getarg(argvals, "sslink", None),
# make sure the sender is a valid email address
if sender.find("@") == -1:
sender = sender + '@' + socket.gethostname()
if sender.endswith("@"):
sender = sender + 'localhost'
# send the mail
if not use_ssl:
smtp = smtplib.SMTP(serverURL)
smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(serverURL)
if use_tls:
if len(username) > 0:
smtp.login(username, password)
smtp.sendmail(sender, recipients, message.as_string())
#log an info message only if eveything passes
except Exception, e:
#else log the same message at an error level
def numsort(x, y):
if y[1] > x[1]:
return -1
elif x[1] > y[1]:
return 1
return 0
# sort columns from shortest to largest
def getSortedColumns(results, width_sort_columns):
if len(results) == 0:
return []
columnMaxLens = {}
for result in results:
for k,v in result.items():
# ignore attributes that start with "_"
if k.startswith("_") and k!="_raw" and k!="_time":
newLen = len(str(v))
oldMax = columnMaxLens.get(k, -1)
#initialize the column width to the length of header (name)
if oldMax == -1:
columnMaxLens[k] = oldMax = len(k)
if newLen > oldMax:
columnMaxLens[k] = newLen
colsAndCounts = []
# sort columns iff asked to
if width_sort_columns:
colsAndCounts = columnMaxLens.items()
for k,v in results[0].items():
if k in columnMaxLens:
colsAndCounts.append([k, columnMaxLens[k]])
return colsAndCounts
def pad(count):
padding = ""
for i in range(0, count):
padding += ' '
return padding
def generateTextResults(results, width_sort_columns):
columnMaxLens = getSortedColumns(results, width_sort_columns)
text = ""
space = " "*4
# output column names
for col, maxlen in columnMaxLens:
val = col
padsize = maxlen - len(val)
text += val + pad(padsize) + space
text += "\n" + "-"*len(text) + "\n"
# output each result's values
for result in results:
for col, maxlen in columnMaxLens:
val = result.get(col, "")
padsize = maxlen - len(val)
# left justify ALL the columns
text += val + pad(padsize) + space
text += "\n"
return text
def generateHTMLResults(results):
text = "<table border=1>\n<tr>"
if len(results) != 0:
cols = []
for k,v in results[0].items():
# ignore attributes that start with "_"
if k.startswith("_") and k!="_raw" and k!="_time":
# output column names
for col in cols:
text += "<th>" + col + "</th>"
text += "</tr>\n"
# output each result's values
for result in results:
text += "<tr valign=top>"
for col in cols:
val = result.get(col, "")
escval = saxutils.escape(val)
text += "<td><pre>" + escval + "</pre></td>"
text += "</tr>\n"
text += "</table>"
return text
def esc(val):
return val.replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r").replace("\t", "\\t")
def generateCSVResults(results):
if len(results) == 0:
return ''
header = []
s = cStringIO.StringIO()
w = csv.writer(s)
if "_time" in results[0] : header.append("_time")
if "_raw" in results[0] : header.append("_raw")
# for backwards compatibility remove all internal fields except _raw and _time
for k in results[0].keys():
if k.startswith("_") :
# output each result's values
for result in results:
row = [esc(result.get(col,"")) for col in header]
return s.getvalue()
def generateRawResults(results):
str = splunk.Intersplunk.rawresultsToString(results)
if(len(str) == 0):
str = "The results contain no '_raw' field. Please choose another result emailing format (csv, plain or html)."
return str
def renderTime(results):
for result in results:
if "_time" in result:
result["_time"] = time.ctime(float(result["_time"]))
def sendEmail(results, settings):
keywords, argvals = splunk.Intersplunk.getKeywordsAndOptions()
if not ('graceful' in argvals):
argvals['graceful'] = 0
if getarg(argvals, "to") == None:
return dcu.getErrorResults(results, argvals['graceful'], "missing required argument: to. Please specify at least on email recipient as: \"to=address@example.com\"")
if 'subject' in argvals and '_ScheduledView__' in argvals['subject']:
argvals['subject'] = argvals['subject'].replace('_ScheduledView__', '')
if len(results) == 0:
msgText = "No results."
format = getarg(argvals, "format", "html").lower()
# always attach in CSV format
if not toBool(getarg(argvals, "inline", "true") ):
format = "csv"
# if inlining results render _time to something user readable
# see if we need to sort fields by widht (in text mode only)
width_sort_columns = toBool(argvals.get("width_sort_columns", "true"))
if format == "raw":
msgText = generateRawResults(results)
elif format == "html":
msgText = generateHTMLResults(results)
elif format =="csv":
msgText = generateCSVResults(results)
msgText = generateTextResults(results, width_sort_columns)
# if not toBool(getarg(argvals, "sendresults", "false") ):
# msgText=''
mail(argvals, settings, msgText)
except Exception, e:
#import traceback
#stack = traceback.format_exc()
results = dcu.getErrorResults(results, argvals['graceful'], str(e) + ' while sending mail to: ' + getarg(argvals, "to"))
return results
def generatePDF(sslink, subject, searchid, settings, pdfview):
Reach out and retrieve a PDF copy of the search results if possible
and return the MIME attachment
sessionKey = settings.get('sessionKey', None)
owner = settings.get('owner', 'nobody')
#logger.info('sslink=%s searchid=%s settings=%s' % (sslink, searchid, settings))
if not (sslink and sessionKey):
raise PDFException("Can't attach PDF - either ssLink or sessionKey unavailable")
# send the report request to the appserver running on the host serving the content
ss_scheme, ss_netloc, ss_path, ss_query, ss_fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(sslink)
# Find the root prefix if the appserver is mounted on a prefix other than /
prefix = ss_path[:ss_path.index('/app/')]
server = "%s://%s%s/en-US/report/" % (ss_scheme, ss_netloc, prefix)
pdfviewfn = pdfview and pdfview.strip(' .:;|><\'"')
datestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
if pdfviewfn:
filename = '%s-%s.pdf' % (pdfviewfn[:50], datestamp)
# strip control characters, forward & backslash
filename = re.sub(r'[\x00-\x1f\x7f/\\]+', '-', filename)
if isinstance(filename, unicode):
filename = ('utf-8', '', filename.encode('utf-8'))
filename = 'splunk-report-%s.pdf' % datestamp
if pdfview:
app = ss_path[len(prefix):].split('/')[2]
target = "%s://%s%s/app/%s/%s" % (ss_scheme, ss_netloc, prefix, app, pdfview)
# assume that no doc fragments are used here
if ss_query:
target = sslink + '&media=print'
target = sslink + '?media=print'
logger.info("sendemail opening PDF request to appserver at %s" % server)
# Ensure compatibility with systems with supportSSLV3Only=tru
response = urllib2.urlopen(server, urllib.urlencode({
'request_path' : target,
'session_key' : sessionKey,
'owner': owner,
'title' : subject
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
msg = e.fp.read().strip()
if msg and msg[0]=='>':
raise PDFException("Failed to generate PDF: %s" % msg[1:])
raise PDFException("Failed to contact appserver at %s: %s" % (server, e))
except Exception, e:
raise PDFException("Failed to fetch PDF from appserver at %s: %s" % (server, e))
headers = response.info()
#logger.debug('Response headers: %s' % headers)
if headers['Content-Type']!='application/pdf':
logger.error("Didn't receive PDF from Report Server")
raise PDFException("Didn't receive PDF from Report Server")
data = response.read()
mpart = MIMEApplication(data, 'pdf')
mpart.add_header('content-disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename)
logger.info('Generated PDF for email')
return mpart
results, dummyresults, settings = splunk.Intersplunk.getOrganizedResults()
results = sendEmail(results, settings)
Hi royimad,
Please find the modified script ,
# Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Splunk Inc. All Rights Reserved. Version 4.0
import re,sys,time,logging,splunk.Intersplunk, splunk.mining.dcutils as dcu
import smtplib, sys, StringIO, base64, os, socket, urllib, urllib2, urlparse, ssl
from xml.sax import saxutils
import lxml.etree as et
import traceback
import cStringIO, csv
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
from email.header import Header
import splunk.search as search
import splunk.entity as entity
import splunk.clilib.cli_common as cli_common
from splunk.util import setSSLWrapProtocol
from splunk import mergeHostPath, SplunkdConnectionException
from splunk.rest import simpleRequest
import splunk.models.saved_search as saved_search
importanceMap = {
"highest": "1 (Highest)",
"high" : "2 (High)",
"low" : "4 (Low)",
"lowest" : "5 (Lowest)",
"1" : "1 (Highest)",
"2" : "2 (High)",
"4" : "4 (Low)",
"5" : "5 (Lowest)"
logger = dcu.getLogger()
charset = "UTF-8"
class PDFException(Exception):
def getCredentials(sessionKey, namespace):
ent = entity.getEntity('admin/alert_actions', 'email', namespace=namespace, owner='nobody', sessionKey=sessionKey)
if 'auth_username' in ent and 'clear_password' in ent:
return ent['auth_username'], ent['clear_password']
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Could not get email credentials from splunk, using no credentials. Error: %s" % (str(e)))
return '', ''
def getJobMessages(searchid, sessionKey):
# try to get the job status immediately without retry
job = search.getJob(searchid, sessionKey=sessionKey, message_level='warn', status_fetch_timeout=0)
return job.messages
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Could not get job status for searchId=%s, Error: %s" % (searchid, str(e)))
return {}
def toBool(strVal):
if strVal == None:
return False
lStrVal = strVal.lower()
if lStrVal == "true" or lStrVal == "t" or lStrVal == "1" or lStrVal == "yes" or lStrVal == "y" :
return True
return False
def isASCII(str):
for i in str:
if ord(i) > 127:
return False
return True
def escape(str, plainTextMode):
if plainTextMode:
return str
return saxutils.escape(str)
def renderJobMessages(messages, plainTextMode):
result = ''
for k,v in messages.items():
result += 'Message Level: ' + k.upper() + '\n'
i = 1
for m in v:
result += str(i) + '. ' + escape(m, plainTextMode) + '\n'
i += 1
result + '\n'
if len(result) > 0:
result = '\n-- Search generated the following messages -- \n' + result
return result
def unquote(val):
if val is not None and len(val) > 1 and val.startswith('"') and val.endswith('"'):
return val[1:-1]
return val
def getarg(argvals, name, defaultVal=None):
return unquote(argvals.get(name, defaultVal))
EMAIL_DELIM = re.compile('\s*[,;]\s*')
def mail(argvals, settings, bodytext=''):
serverURL = getarg(argvals, "server", "localhost")
sender = getarg(argvals, "from", "splunk")
to = getarg(argvals, "to" , None)
cc = getarg(argvals, "cc" , None)
bcc = getarg(argvals, "bcc", None)
subject = getarg(argvals, "subject" , "Splunk Results")
format = getarg(argvals, "format" , "html")
importance = getarg(argvals, "priority", None)
inline = getarg(argvals, "inline" , "true").lower()
plainText = format != "html"
sendresults = toBool(getarg(argvals, "sendresults" , "false"))
sendpdf = toBool(getarg(argvals, "sendpdf" , "false"))
pdfview = getarg(argvals, "pdfview" , "")
searchid = getarg(argvals, "searchid" , None)
if not searchid:
for key in argvals:
if "sid_" in key:
searchid = searchid or {}
searchid[key] = argvals[key]
use_ssl = toBool(getarg(argvals, "use_ssl" , "false"))
use_tls = toBool(getarg(argvals, "use_tls" , "false"))
username = getarg(argvals, "username" , "")
password = getarg(argvals, "password" , "")
sessionKey = settings.get('sessionKey', None)
paperSize = getarg(argvals, "papersize", "letter")
paperOrientation = getarg(argvals, "paperorientation", "portrait")
logger.info("sendemail:mail sendPDF = %s, pdfview = %s, searchid = %s" % (str(sendpdf), str(pdfview), str(searchid)))
# fetch credentials from the endpoint if none are supplied or password is encrypted
if (len(username) == 0 and len(password) == 0) or password.startswith('$1$') :
namespace = settings.get("namespace", None)
username, password = getCredentials(sessionKey, namespace)
# use the Header object to specify UTF-8 msg headers, such as subject, to, cc etc
message = MIMEMultipart()
if isASCII(subject):
message['Subject'] = subject
message['Subject'] = Header(subject, charset)
recipients = []
if to:
message['To'] = to
if sender:
message['From'] = sender
if cc:
for addr in EMAIL_DELIM.split(cc):
message['Cc'] = addr
if bcc:
for addr in EMAIL_DELIM.split(bcc):
message['Bcc'] = addr
# Clear leading / trailing whitespace from recipients
recipients = [r.strip() for r in recipients]
if importance:
# look up better name
val = importanceMap.get(importance.lower(), None)
# unknown value, use value user supplied
if val == None:
val = importance
message['X-Priority'] = val
intro = ''
ssName = getarg(argvals, "ssname", None)
# write out a condensed body if we are just delivering a PDF snapshot
# of a view/URI
if pdfview:
intro += 'Scheduled view delivery.\n\nA PDF snapshot has been generated for the view: %s.\n\n' % pdfview
intro += 'Hi,\n\nPFA the Splunk Report.\n\n Regards,\n Unix Team \n'
bodyformat = "html"
if plainText:
bodyformat = "plain"
# create the body of the email and attach or inline results if required. Make sure to #
# adhere to the requested format and proper tag balancing. #
body = StringIO.StringIO()
pdf = None
errorLines = []
if sendpdf:
pdfService = "none"
import splunk.pdf.availability as pdf_availability
pdfService = pdf_availability.which_pdf_service(sessionKey=sessionKey, viewId=pdfview, namespace=namespace, owner=owner)
logger.info("sendemail pdfService = %s" % pdfService)
if pdfService is "pdfgen":
# will raise an Exception on error
pdf = generatePDF(serverURL, subject, searchid, settings, pdfview, ssName, paperSize, paperOrientation)
elif pdfService is "deprecated":
# will raise an Exception on error
pdf = generatePDF_deprecated(getarg(argvals, "sslink", None), subject, searchid, settings, pdfview, paperSize, paperOrientation)
except Exception, e:
errorLines.append("An error occurred while generating a PDF of this report. Please see python.log for details.")
logger.error("An error occurred while generating a PDF of this report: %s" % e)
if sendresults and toBool(settings.get('truncated')):
intro += '\nNOTE: Search results in this email might have been truncated. Please visit the search job page to view the full resultset\n'
if (searchid != None) and (type(searchid) is not dict) and (len(searchid) > 0):
intro += renderJobMessages(getJobMessages(searchid, sessionKey), plainText)
if not plainText:
intro = intro.replace("\n", "\n<BR> \n") + "<BR><BR>\n"
if toBool(inline) or inline == "none" or not sendresults:
# inline the results if required to
if inline != "none" and sendresults:
if errorLines:
if plainText:
body.write("<BR><BR> \n\n")
body.write("<BR>\n".join([saxutils.escape(err) for err in errorLines]))
# correctly close the html if we're not in plaintext mode
if not plainText:
message.attach(MIMEText(body.getvalue(), bodyformat, _charset=charset))
elif not pdf:
attachStr = "\n\nPlease do no reply to this mail.\n\n";
if errorLines:
attachStr += "\n\n"
if plainText:
attachStr += "\n".join(errorLines)
attachStr += "\n".join([saxutils.escape(err) for err in errorLines])
if not plainText:
attachStr = attachStr.replace("\n", "\n<BR>\n") + "</BODY></HTML>"
message.attach(MIMEText(body.getvalue(), bodyformat, _charset=charset))
# now attach the results as a separate file
filename = "Mojito-report.csv"
mimetype = "text"
subtype = "csv"
attachment = MIMEBase(mimetype, subtype)
attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename)
if pdf:
mail_log_msg = 'Sending email. subject="%s", results_link="%s", recipients="%s"' % (
getarg(argvals, "sslink", None),
# make sure the sender is a valid email address
if sender.find("@") == -1:
sender = sender + '@' + socket.gethostname()
if sender.endswith("@"):
sender = sender + 'localhost'
# send the mail
if not use_ssl:
smtp = smtplib.SMTP(serverURL)
smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(serverURL)
if use_tls:
if len(username) > 0:
smtp.login(username, password)
smtp.sendmail(sender, recipients, message.as_string())
#log an info message only if eveything passes
except Exception, e:
#else log the same message at an error level
def numsort(x, y):
if y[1] > x[1]:
return -1
elif x[1] > y[1]:
return 1
return 0
# sort columns from shortest to largest
def getSortedColumns(results, width_sort_columns):
if len(results) == 0:
return []
columnMaxLens = {}
for result in results:
for k,v in result.items():
# ignore attributes that start with "_"
if k.startswith("_") and k!="_raw" and k!="_time":
newLen = len(str(v))
oldMax = columnMaxLens.get(k, -1)
#initialize the column width to the length of header (name)
if oldMax == -1:
columnMaxLens[k] = oldMax = len(k)
if newLen > oldMax:
columnMaxLens[k] = newLen
colsAndCounts = []
# sort columns iff asked to
if width_sort_columns:
colsAndCounts = columnMaxLens.items()
for k,v in results[0].items():
if k in columnMaxLens:
colsAndCounts.append([k, columnMaxLens[k]])
return colsAndCounts
def pad(count):
padding = ""
for i in range(0, count):
padding += ' '
return padding
def generateTextResults(results, width_sort_columns):
columnMaxLens = getSortedColumns(results, width_sort_columns)
text = ""
space = " "*4
# output column names
for col, maxlen in columnMaxLens:
val = col
padsize = maxlen - len(val)
text += val + pad(padsize) + space
text += "\n" + "-"*len(text) + "\n"
# output each result's values
for result in results:
for col, maxlen in columnMaxLens:
val = result.get(col, "")
padsize = maxlen - len(val)
# left justify ALL the columns
text += val + pad(padsize) + space
text += "\n"
return text
def generateHTMLResults(results):
text = "<table border=1>\n<tr>"
if len(results) != 0:
cols = []
for k,v in results[0].items():
# ignore attributes that start with "_"
if k.startswith("_") and k!="_raw" and k!="_time":
# output column names
for col in cols:
text += "<th>" + col + "</th>"
text += "</tr>\n"
# output each result's values
for result in results:
text += "<tr valign=top>"
for col in cols:
val = result.get(col, "")
escval = saxutils.escape(val)
text += "<td><pre>" + escval + "</pre></td>"
text += "</tr>\n"
text += "</table>"
return text
def esc(val):
return val.replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r").replace("\t", "\\t")
def generateCSVResults(results):
if len(results) == 0:
return ''
header = []
s = cStringIO.StringIO()
w = csv.writer(s)
if "_time" in results[0] : header.append("_time")
if "_raw" in results[0] : header.append("_raw")
# for backwards compatibility remove all internal fields except _raw and _time
for k in results[0].keys():
if k.startswith("_") :
# output each result's values
for result in results:
row = [esc(result.get(col,"")) for col in header]
return s.getvalue()
def generateRawResults(results):
str = splunk.Intersplunk.rawresultsToString(results)
if(len(str) == 0):
str = "The results contain no '_raw' field. Please choose another result emailing format (csv, plain or html)."
return str
def renderTime(results):
for result in results:
if "_time" in result:
result["_time"] = time.ctime(float(result["_time"]))
def sendEmail(results, settings):
keywords, argvals = splunk.Intersplunk.getKeywordsAndOptions()
if not ('graceful' in argvals):
argvals['graceful'] = 0
if getarg(argvals, "to") == None:
return dcu.getErrorResults(results, argvals['graceful'], "missing required argument: to. Please specify at least on email recipient as: \"to=address@example.com\"")
if 'subject' in argvals and '_ScheduledView__' in argvals['subject']:
argvals['subject'] = argvals['subject'].replace('_ScheduledView__', '')
if len(results) == 0:
msgText = "No results."
format = getarg(argvals, "format", "html").lower()
# always attach in CSV format
if not toBool(getarg(argvals, "inline", "true") ):
format = "csv"
# if inlining results render _time to something user readable
# see if we need to sort fields by widht (in text mode only)
width_sort_columns = toBool(argvals.get("width_sort_columns", "true"))
if format == "raw":
msgText = generateRawResults(results)
elif format == "html":
msgText = generateHTMLResults(results)
elif format =="csv":
msgText = generateCSVResults(results)
msgText = generateTextResults(results, width_sort_columns)
# if not toBool(getarg(argvals, "sendresults", "false") ):
# msgText=''
mail(argvals, settings, msgText)
except Exception, e:
#import traceback
#stack = traceback.format_exc()
results = dcu.getErrorResults(results, argvals['graceful'], str(e) + ' while sending mail to: ' + getarg(argvals, "to"))
return results
def generatePDF(serverURL, subject, sid, settings, pdfViewID, ssName, paperSize, paperOrientation):
Reach out and retrieve a PDF copy of the search results if possible
and return the MIME attachment
sessionKey = settings.get('sessionKey', None)
owner = settings.get('owner', 'nobody')
if not sessionKey:
raise PDFException("Can't attach PDF - sessionKey unavailable")
# build up filename to use with attachments
pdfViewID_filename = pdfViewID and pdfViewID.strip(' .:;|><\'"')
datestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
if pdfViewID_filename:
filename = '%s-%s.pdf' % (pdfViewID_filename[:50], datestamp)
# strip control characters, forward & backslash
filename = re.sub(r'[\x00-\x1f\x7f/\\]+', '-', filename)
if isinstance(filename, unicode):
filename = ('utf-8', '', filename.encode('utf-8'))
filename = 'splunk-report-%s.pdf' % datestamp
# build up parameters to the PDF server
parameters = {}
parameters['namespace'] = settings["namespace"]
parameters['owner'] = owner
if pdfViewID:
parameters['input-dashboard'] = pdfViewID
if ssName:
parameters['input-report'] = ssName
raise PDFException("Can't attach PDF - ssName and pdfViewID unavailable")
if sid:
if type(sid) is dict:
for sidKey in sid:
parameters[sidKey] = sid[sidKey]
parameters['sid'] = sid
if paperSize and len(paperSize) > 0:
if paperOrientation and paperOrientation != "portrait":
parameters['paper-size'] = "%s-%s" % (paperSize, paperOrientation)
parameters['paper-size'] = paperSize
# determine if we should set an effective dispatch "now" time for this job
scheduledJobEffectiveTime = getEffectiveTimeOfScheduledJob(settings.get("sid", ""))
logger.info("sendemail:mail effectiveTime=%s" % scheduledJobEffectiveTime)
if scheduledJobEffectiveTime != None:
parameters['now'] = scheduledJobEffectiveTime
# Ensure compatibility with systems with supportSSLV3Only=tru
setSSLWrapProtocol(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3) #not sure we need this now that we are using simpleRequest instead of urlopen
response, content = simpleRequest("pdfgen/render", sessionKey = sessionKey, getargs = parameters, timeout = PDFGEN_SIMPLE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
except splunk.SplunkdConnectionException, e:
raise PDFException("Failed to fetch PDF (SplunkdConnectionException): %s" % str(e))
except Exception, e:
raise PDFException("Failed to fetch PDF (Exception type=%s): %s" % (str(type(e)), str(e)))
if response['status']!='200':
raise PDFException("Failed to fetch PDF (status = %s): %s" % (str(response['status']), str(content)))
if response['content-type']!='application/pdf':
raise PDFException("Failed to fetch PDF (content-type = %s): %s" % (str(response['content-type']), str(content)))
mpart = MIMEApplication(content, 'pdf')
mpart.add_header('content-disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename)
logger.info('Generated PDF for email')
return mpart
def getEffectiveTimeOfScheduledJob(scheduledJobSid):
""" parse out the effective time from the sid of a scheduled job
if no effective time specified, then return None
scheduledJobSid is of form: scheduler__<owner>__<namespace>_<hash>_at_<epoch seconds>_<mS> """
scheduledJobSidParts = scheduledJobSid.split("_")
effectiveTime = None
if "scheduler" in scheduledJobSidParts and len(scheduledJobSidParts) > 4 and scheduledJobSidParts[-3] == "at":
secondsStr = scheduledJobSidParts[-2]
effectiveTime = int(secondsStr)
return effectiveTime
def generatePDF_deprecated(sslink, subject, searchid, settings, pdfview, paperSize, paperOrientation):
generate a PDF using the old PDF server app
Reach out and retrieve a PDF copy of the search results if possible
and return the MIME attachment
sessionKey = settings.get('sessionKey', None)
owner = settings.get('owner', 'nobody')
logger.info('sslink=%s searchid=%s settings=%s' % (sslink, searchid, settings))
if not (sslink and sessionKey):
raise PDFException("Can't attach PDF - either ssLink or sessionKey unavailable")
# send the report request to the appserver running on the host serving the content
ss_scheme, ss_netloc, ss_path, ss_query, ss_fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(sslink)
# Find the root prefix if the appserver is mounted on a prefix other than /
prefix = ss_path[:ss_path.index('/app/')]
server = "%s://%s%s/en-US/report/" % (ss_scheme, ss_netloc, prefix)
pdfviewfn = pdfview and pdfview.strip(' .:;|><\'"')
datestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
if pdfviewfn:
filename = '%s-%s.pdf' % (pdfviewfn[:50], datestamp)
# strip control characters, forward & backslash
filename = re.sub(r'[\x00-\x1f\x7f/\\]+', '-', filename)
if isinstance(filename, unicode):
filename = ('utf-8', '', filename.encode('utf-8'))
filename = 'splunk-report-%s.pdf' % datestamp
if pdfview:
app = ss_path[len(prefix):].split('/')[2]
target = "%s://%s%s/app/%s/%s" % (ss_scheme, ss_netloc, prefix, app, pdfview)
# assume that no doc fragments are used here
if ss_query:
target = sslink + '&media=print'
target = sslink + '?media=print'
logger.info("sendemail opening PDF request to appserver at %s" % server)
# Ensure compatibility with systems with supportSSLV3Only=tru
response = urllib2.urlopen(server, urllib.urlencode({
'request_path' : target,
'session_key' : sessionKey,
'owner': owner,
'title' : subject,
'papersize' : paperSize,
'orientation' : paperOrientation
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
msg = e.fp.read().strip()
if msg and msg[0]=='>':
raise PDFException("Failed to generate PDF: %s" % msg[1:])
raise PDFException("Failed to contact appserver at %s: %s" % (server, e))
except Exception, e:
raise PDFException("Failed to fetch PDF from appserver at %s: %s" % (server, e))
headers = response.info()
#logger.debug('Response headers: %s' % headers)
if headers['Content-Type']!='application/pdf':
logger.error("Didn't receive PDF from Report Server")
raise PDFException("Didn't receive PDF from Report Server")
data = response.read()
mpart = MIMEApplication(data, 'pdf')
mpart.add_header('content-disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename)
logger.info('Generated PDF for email')
return mpart
results, dummyresults, settings = splunk.Intersplunk.getOrganizedResults()
results = sendEmail(results, settings)
The following appoarch is working fine in Splunk 4.3.2 , but the same has not been working in Splunk 6.1. I have updated the latest sendemail.py python script. but still no luck. is any one faced the same problem ?? splunk 6.1 is not supporting commands.conf behaviour to run own sendmail.py script ??
can you post the solution to be shared?
Thanks Mus and linu1988..i have re modified the script..and now its working fine for me..:).
Rakesh did you comment all the "intro"? This give the error when it is not able to generate a valid result set / it get s zero result from the search. Please replace the python script from the search app and see if the results are being sent. You can always debug with the help of splunkd.log to customize the file again.
ok, I have no idea what you did but I get this error:
command="email", local variable 'ssLink' referenced before assignment while sending mail to
and by looking at your script, it also looks like some comments are having a wrong indentation.
I'll look at it, but cannot give you any timeframe.....
Hi MuS..Updated the script..i havent done much changes to the existing script ..jus commented few lines to code to hide the searchname,searchsummary appearing in the email...can you pls help me in understanding the error ?
then this could be like asking the magic glass ball for help 🙂
start splunk's python and enter line by line some error must be thrown somewhere or pastebin your script..
its not throwing any error nor showin any result ..
take a look in splunkd.log.....or run it manually by executing $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk cmd python