Splunk big time NOOB here.
I'm trying to find IP's that are logging into our FTP server with more then one FTP User Name.
Here is my sarch string: index="ftp" client!="10...*" earliest=-24h | stats dc(FTPUser) by client | rename "dc(FTPUser)" AS "User"
The above works great and is showing me how many ftp accounts each ip is using.
Now I'd like to only see logins that are greater then 1. I tried adding | search FTPUser>1 but that does not work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Appending that search
command would have worked if you had used the same field name as in the rename
command 😛
| where User > 1
That works great thank you. Is there a way I can get it to show me the User name's instead of a number. I know if I client the client ip it will show me usernames but any way to see it on my search screen?