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regex help


{"device":"efgh [ = ILO = ]","host":""}
{"device":"qrst - [ab cd ef]","host":""}

My data looks like this in the _raw.

now i am trying to fetch device and host using regex. please help. It should be simple but since host is a default keyword the host from which data is coming is also coming with field name host so i need to rename host coming in _raw to ip

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0 Karma
1 Solution

Ultra Champion
| eval _raw="{\"device\":\"abcd\",\"host\":\"\"}
{\"device\":\"efgh [ = ILO = ]\",\"host\":\"\"}
{\"device\":\"qrst - [ab cd ef]\",\"host\":\"\"}"
| multikv noheader=t
| fields _raw
| spath

View solution in original post

0 Karma

Ultra Champion
| eval _raw="{\"device\":\"abcd\",\"host\":\"\"}
{\"device\":\"efgh [ = ILO = ]\",\"host\":\"\"}
{\"device\":\"qrst - [ab cd ef]\",\"host\":\"\"}"
| multikv noheader=t
| fields _raw
| spath
0 Karma



Try this rex

|rex "\"device\"\:\"(?P<device>[^"]+)\"\,\"host\"\:\"(?P<ip>[^"]+)"
0 Karma
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