my search string is truncated after a question mark in a custom drilldown search.
I have a statistic table that I made in a dashboard, and when I click in the row of that table, I have custom search.
so I go to Edit Drilldown -> Link to search and I choose custom.
the problem is: I am using regular expression in my custom search and when I click in the table row, it takes me to the new custom search but everything after the regular expression question mark is truncated.
here is my custome search:
host="myhost" field1=$$
|rex "\|mynewField:(?<newField>.*)\|"
however when I click and go to the custom search, the search appears is :
host="myhost" field1=$$
|rex "\|mynewField:(
so basically the question mark ?, and everything after is truncated. and I get Unbalanced quotes error
hey seems like it is URL encoding problem
edit your XML custom search as
<link target="_blank">search?q=host="myhost" field1=$$
|rex "\|mynewField:(%3F<newField>.*)\|"</link>
let me know if this helps!
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Try replacing the question mark with its URL-encoded equivalent %3F.
Hi sabirmgd,
Could you share XML in 101010