I have a field call errorData, when I use spath
to access the json and do stats
and mvzip(sym,code)
function, it splits these events into two different events (but it is still not really what I want). How can I keep it into one event with the contents aggregated. Sometimes the array also only has 1 element, so it should be viable for that situation too
sym code count
ee,ie 2E1,2E2 1
ee 2E2 1
And I do not want the json with single element array to over-count, I mean mistakenly count matching in the multiple elements json.
Try this
index=index | spath input=errorMsg path={}.sym output=sym | spath input=errorMsg path={}.code output=code | nomv sym | nomv code | stats count by sym code
Wow... that was so much easier than I thought, is there a way I can introduce a comma within the space? Using rex or makedelim or join maybe?
You can do like this (assuming the value of sym and code do not contain spaces on their own.
above search
| eval sym=replace(sym," ",", ") | eval code=replace(code," ",", ")
Can you provide your current full search that you're using?
index=index | spath input=errorMsg path={}.sym output=sym | spath input=errorMsg path={}.code output=code | stats count by sym, code
Or eval msg=mvzip(sym, code) | stats count by msg
would get me two events listed instead of 4 like above