couple hours i am trying to get:
i have one log with no similar way of words in one line... because of that i cannot get in one search what i need.
This two searches get what i need:
index=ise "authentication failed" "Administrator-Login"
index=ise "authentication failed" "UserName"
Now i want this two query to join in one and get results which admin login and user login have authentication failed...
thank you
succeeded with:
index=ise ("authentication failed" "Administrator-Login") OR ("authentication failed" "UserName")
| stats count by UserName
| append
[search index=ise ("authentication failed" "Administrator-Login") OR ("authentication failed" "UserName")
| stats count by AdminName]
can you try-
index=ise ("authentication failed" "Administrator-Login") OR ("authentication failed" "UserName")
seems that`s what i need, how now to sort it by count?
try below-
...|sort 0 - count
yes that and make it like table, to visualize instead to show logs?
Use the
| table
to create a table of any fields you are interested in, the results from the search should provide interesting fields on the left of the search panel, then use
| sort
nope, whatever i done, cannot get it...
what about multisearch?
hm, seems this is fine:
index=ise ("authentication failed" "Administrator-Login") OR ("authentication failed" "UserName")
| table AdminName UserName
| sort 0 - count
now i need instead couple same usernames in list, to be just counted, not repeated ...
if you want to count by UserName and AdminName
then try-
...|stats count by UserName AdminName
with that 0 score.
With only "stats count by UserName" i see all except admin accounts...
so now, i need only more to show/include admin count..
which seems impossible and because of that i want to try multi search option?
but never used...
which query did you tried? what is your sample output till now and what output you are expecting?
to show in tabular format use table command and then specify your field names-
...|table fieldname
...|table *
How about this?
index=ise "authentication failed" ("Administrator-Login" OR "UserName")
in that query, i don`t see administrator logins... 😕
Can you try something like this?
index=ise authentication="failed" Administrator="Login"
| table UserName
I suggest adding a sourcetype to the search as well in the future.
this cannot be done, because logs are like syslog, and cannot search by that fields .. 😞