Splunk Search

map command with functions


I'm trying to use the map command and it seems to fail when I try using some functions within the subsearch (specifically: cidrmatch()). 


This search returns a correctly-populated table of all the fields except for the "matches" field which is just empty 

index=my_index earliest=-5m
| table _time src_ip
| map search=" | search index=my_other_index  earliest=-6h | rename id as id2 | dedup id2 | eval searchip=$src_ip$ | eval matches=if(cidrmatch(cidr_block, searchip), "true", "false") | table id2 searchip matches cidr_block"

Note: my goal is to join two searches but not based on a common field, based on cidrmatching ips from one search to the cidrblocks in the other. I don't want to use lookup tables as I want both to be dynamic. 

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1 Solution

Path Finder

Hi @maramel 

Since map uses quotation marks, you must use \ for all special characters within you search.

| map search=" | search index=my_other_index  earliest=-6h | rename id as id2 | dedup id2 | eval searchip=$src_ip$ | eval matches=if(cidrmatch(cidr_block, searchip), \"true\", \"false\") | table id2 searchip matches cidr_block"

View solution in original post

Path Finder

Hi @maramel 

Since map uses quotation marks, you must use \ for all special characters within you search.

| map search=" | search index=my_other_index  earliest=-6h | rename id as id2 | dedup id2 | eval searchip=$src_ip$ | eval matches=if(cidrmatch(cidr_block, searchip), \"true\", \"false\") | table id2 searchip matches cidr_block"

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