Splunk Search

makemv and mvexpand empty results not showing


I need to see which questions a user answered. It is a multiple value field. Possible values:

question="1" or question="1,3" or question="" ....

I want to create a chart. My search is:

makemv delim="," question| mvexpand question| eval question= case(question==1, "Question-1", question==2,"Question-2", question==3,"Question-3",question=="","Not Filled") | chart  count by question

But it doesn't show the results for empty string "" value. Does anybody know a way to do that?


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1 Solution


I think that where the value is gone.

|makemv delim="," question| mvexpand question

Try this!

|eval question=if(question=="",",",question)|makemv allowempty=true delim="," question| mvexpand question|

View solution in original post


I think that where the value is gone.

|makemv delim="," question| mvexpand question

Try this!

|eval question=if(question=="",",",question)|makemv allowempty=true delim="," question| mvexpand question|


Thanks! "eval if" was the key point to solve the problem.

The final query that works:

|eval question=if(question=="","Not Filled",question) |makemv allowempty=true delim="," question| mvexpand question | eval question= case(question==1, "Question-1", question==2,"Question-2", question==3,"Question-3",question=="Not Filled","Not Filled") | chart  count by question
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