I have use case where i have to pass host in macro argument. I also want to pass argument in regex way apart from * way. here is snippet
My host listing is in big number, more than 35 hosts example:- abc1, abc2 , abc11, abc21, abc22, abc24, abc25
Now I want to pass only 2 hosts only say abc11 and abc21 as argument, how can I do that. as abc
I know I can pass below
but how to pass both in same parameter?
is there any other option to solve this without specifying regex?
can we have some negate option handy, like abc11 and abc21 to be ignored, and rest all host comes.
in case we have multiple arguments say sourcetype with same regex pattern how it would look like?
found the problem, it looks for double quote, adding that fix the problem
search xyz | regex host="$host$"