Splunk Search

join in search string

Path Finder

I have a search string

index=os source=vmstat
| multikv fields memUsedPct memTotalMB memFreeMB
| stats avg(memUsedPct) as avgMemPct max(memUsedPct) as peakMemPct avg(memUsedMB) as avgMemMb max(memUsedMB) as peakMemMb by host
| join host [ search index=os source=cpu
| multikv fields pctIdle

| search all

| eval Percent_CPU_Load = 100 - pctIdle

| stats avg(Percent_CPU_Load) as avgCpuPct max(Percent_CPU_Load) as peakCpuPct by host

Now is there any way that I can get the same result without doing join??

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How does this work?

index=os AND ( source=cpu OR source=vmstat) | multikv fields memUsedPct memTotalMB memFreeMB pctIdle | eval Percent_CPU_Load = 100 - pctIdle | stats avg(memUsedPct) as avgMemPct max(memUsedPct) as peakMemPct avg(memUsedMB) as avgMemMb max(memUsedMB) as peakMemMb avg(Percent_CPU_Load) as avgCpuPct max(Percent_CPU_Load) as peakCpuPct by host

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