Yes, it's possible to use 2 tokens from 2 different searches into 1 search. Try using the below-mentioned sample dashboard and change variable as per requirement
<form theme="dark">
<label>Host Login Details</label>
<fieldset submitButton="false">
<input type="time" token="timeFrame">
<input type="dropdown" token="field1" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="*">All</choice>
<query><your search1>| dedup field1 | table field1</query>
<input type="dropdown" token="field2" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="*">all</choice>
<query><your search2>| dedup field2 | table field2</query>
<query><your search> field1=$field1$ field2=$field2$
| table _time field1 field2</query>
<option name="count">10</option>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
Hi @sumanssah thanks for responding! Actually i am getting the 2 tokens from 2 different files using query. And i am using both of them in the next query. But when both are being used together i am not getting any results. If anyone of them is used at a time i am getting a part of the output. do you know what will be the problem here?
Please elaborate more on what you are trying to achieve.
hi @harshpatel , i have 2 tokens which are coming from 2 different json files. and i want to use them in the next query. But i am not able to do that. When i use both of them together i am not getting any results. Do you know if any solution for this!
Did you check if the query generated after replacing both tokens has valid condition(which should satisfy the condition on event)?