Splunk Search

how to replace value with another field values

Path Finder

Hi, we could see message ="executed" for started state field. so, would like to replace with same massage where state="completed"  event too for same ID's.


I hope I word this out clearly. Thank you in advance.

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The way I read your premise, this sounds like a transaction logic.  So, let me first clarify your use case.

You data look like

1969-12-31 16:00:00101executedstarted
1969-12-31 16:00:04102activity printedstarted
1969-12-31 16:00:09101nullin progress
1969-12-31 16:00:10102nullin progress
1969-12-31 16:00:18102nonecompleted
1969-12-31 16:00:24101nonecompleted

Note I added some time interleave between 101 and 102 to make the transaction nature more obvious. (Never mind the date is from 1969; that is just for ease of emulation.)  You want to use some results like

1969-12-31 16:00:04143102activity printedcompleted<-in progress<-started
1969-12-31 16:00:00243101executedcompleted<-in progress<-started

Here, I ignored the format of the expected output in your earlier comment, just want to clarify that "state" goes through "started", "in progress", and "completed" to form a transaction for each unique "id".  Your material requirement is to obtain a single value for "message" that is NEITHER "null" nor "none".  Is this correct?  The result as illustrated here can be obtained with


| transaction id startswith="state=started" endswith="state=completed"
| eval message = mvfilter(NOT message IN ("none", "null"))
| eval state = mvjoin(state, "<-")


The first two commands literally implements my interpretation of your intentions.  The third line is just a visual element to make state transition obvious for each .

In my mind, the above results table is sufficient, and is more representative of the problem.  But if you really want to list each event, like

1969-12-31 16:00:00101executedstarted
1969-12-31 16:00:04102activity printedstarted
1969-12-31 16:00:09101executedin progress
1969-12-31 16:00:10102activity printedin progress
1969-12-31 16:00:18102activity printedcompleted
1969-12-31 16:00:24101executedcompleted

You can either use eventstats


| eventstats values(message) as message by id| eval message = mvfilter(NOT message IN ("none", "null"))
| eval message = mvfilter(NOT message IN ("none", "null"))


or streamstats as @bowesmana suggested


| streamstats values(message) as message by id| eval message = mvfilter(NOT message IN ("none", "null"))
| eval message = mvfilter(NOT message IN ("none", "null"))


To emulate input, I added _time into @bowesmana's formula because it's just simpler.


| makeresults format=csv data="id,message,state,_time
102,activity printed,started,4
101,null,in progress,9
102,null,in progress,10
| eval _raw = "doesn't matter" ``` mock field _raw is important for transaction ```
``` data mockup above ```





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Is the logic that IFF there is a previous message=executed for ID X, then if state=completed, message should then be changed to 'executed' or should it always be executed if state=completed?

| eval message=if(state="completed", "executed", message)

will just change message toexecuted if state is completed.

If you ONLY want to change completed to executed if there is a previous "started", then it is important to understand your data a bit better, as ordering becomes significant - you have

  • started
  • completed
  • pending 

for ID 101 - so I am guessing that those are not in the order of occurrence.

You would look at using streamstats, stats, eventstats or transaction to solve this - but can you give more about your existing search an data

0 Karma

Path Finder

@bowesmana thanks for your quick response,

the value of massage field is different as per ID as you shown below.
current data:


expected output:



0 Karma


Use streamstats. Here's an example - use the last 3 lines with your data

| makeresults format=csv data="ID,message,state
101,null,in progress
102,activity printed,started
102,null,in progress
102,activity printed,completed"
| eval needs_fill=if(message="executed" AND state="started", 1, 0)
| streamstats max(needs_fill) as needs_fill by ID
| eval message=if(needs_fill=1 AND state="completed", "executed", message)


0 Karma

Path Finder

| makeresults
| eval state="started"
| eval message="executed"
|eval id="101"
|append [| makeresults
| eval state="inprogess"
| eval message="null"
|eval id="101"]
|append [| makeresults
| eval state="completed"
| eval message="none"
|eval id="101"]
|append [| makeresults
| eval state="started"
| eval message="activity printed "
|eval id="102"]
|append [| makeresults
| eval state="inprogess"
| eval message="null"
|eval id="102"]
|append [| makeresults
| eval state="completed"
| eval message="none"
|eval id="102"]| eval needs_fill=if(message="executed" AND state="started", 1, 0)
| streamstats max(needs_fill) as needs_fill by ID
| eval message=if(needs_fill=1 AND state="completed", "executed", message)

its not working as expected, as mentioned value of massage field is vary per ID's only value of state field remains same for all ID's 

0 Karma


Not sure why you are doing all those appends/makeresults - but look at your id field - the streamstats logic uses ID, not id - fields are case sensitive


0 Karma

Path Finder

yes corrected its only working for where message="executed" but not where message values are different for other ID's. please be noted that massage value could be anything for IDs and values of state field are same.

0 Karma

| makeresults format=csv data="ID,message,state
101,null,in progress
102,activity printed,started
102,null,in progress
| eval startedMessage=if(state=="started",message,null())
| eventstats values(startedMessage) as startedMessage by ID
| eval message=if(state=="completed", startedMessage, message)
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