I try to add some csv files, which contain data like the followings
2009-11-2 20:00:00.041,REQUEST,48613840, ...
2009-11-2 20:00:00.041,REQUEST,48613839, ...
2009-11-2 20:00:00.041,REQUEST_ACK,48613840, ...
2009-11-2 20:00:00.041,REQUEST_ACK,48613839, ...
2009-11-2 20:00:00.046,REQUEST,48613841, ...
when I set the input source type as "csv", then the input file can be recognized with an "AutoHeader-1" stanza and a "csv-2" stanza being added to "$Splunk\etc\apps\learned\local\transforms.conf" and "$Splunk\etc\apps\learned\local\props.conf" respectively.
But I still have two problem,
the first line (title line "Time, ACTION,ORDER_NO, ...") will be take as an event also, as follows
10-4-5 02:49:28.000 _time,ACTION,ORDER_NO, ...
2009-11-2 20:00:00.074,REQUEST,48613844, ...
2009-11-2 20:00:00.055,REQUEST_ACK,48613842, ...
so, how can I remove the title line from the result?
How can I display the result in an KV format?
During my research into dealing with the header of a .csv, I've found that CHECK_FOR_HEADER
is a deprecated feature and is no longer a best practice for dealing with the header of a .csv file.
Seriously folks, the solution in answer <1> should be the default behaviour. Why would you want the headers included in your indexed data???
Do you really want Splunk choosing (own its own) to just drop certain events out of your log files?
in your props.conf also add this line:
[yoursourcetype] TRANSFORMS-NoHeader = NoHeader
on your transforms.conf add this:
[NoHeader] REGEX = Time, ACTION,ORDER_NO, ... DEST_KEY = queue FORMAT = nullQueue
This is the only solution that worked for me.
I would just leave it there and ignore it/exclude it in your searches, but if you really really want to, you can apply a regex TRANSFORM to strip it out.
Probably would be better if you were more specific about what you are trying to show/find. Splunk can transform results, but it's probably not very useful to simply rewrite the raw event text in a different format. What are you trying do or show with the data itself?
You can add the CHECK_FOR_HEADER = true on the props.conf.
thanks, it works for the 2nd question.