Splunk Search

how to get a customized table


I have a query  and i need to show the logs as shown in the below image.

Total Messages:  index=app-logs " Request received from all applications" |stats count

Error count: Sum of count (App logs + Exception logs + Canceled logs + 401 mess logs)
App logs:  index=app-logs "Application logs received"
Exception logs:  index=app-logs "Exception logs received"
Canceled logs:  index=app-logs "unpassed logs received"
401 mess logs:  index=app-logs "401 error message"

Stand by count: Subtract(url - cleared log)
url:   index=app-logs "url info staged"
cleared log: index=app-logs "Filtered logs arranged"



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As @PickleRick said, Splunk does not mimic modern spreadsheet's visualization.  The forte of Splunk is to turn unstructured data into relational tables.  Every grid in Splunk is fully rendered.  Text alignment is not articulated.  And cell coloring is generally unsupported.

With these constraints, you can design your own visual vocabulary to render the cells with various elements.  For example, your spreadsheet visualization can be simulated with


Note your illustrated Standby count of 250 is the sum of url and cleared_log, not the difference as you formulated.  I suspect that this is intended.  So, I added an additional visual element under breakdowns to highlight the url - cleared_log.

The above is rendered with the following search


| tstats count  as App_logs where  index=app-logs TERM(Application) TERM(logs) TERM(received)
| appendcols
    [|tstats count  as Exception_logs where index=app-logs  TERM(Exception)  TERM(logs)  TERM(received)]
| appendcols
    [|tstats count  as Canceled_logs where  index=app-logs  TERM(unpassed) TERM( logs)  TERM(received)]
| appendcols
    [|tstats count  as 401_mess_logs where  index=app-logs  TERM(401) TERM( error)  TERM(message)]
| eval mess_type = "Error count", count = App_logs + Exception_logs + Canceled_logs + '401_mess_logs'
| eval breakdowns = mvappend("App_logs: " . App_logs, "Exception_logs: " . Exception_logs, "Canceled_logs: " . Canceled_logs, "401_mess_logs: " . '401_mess_logs')
| fields - *_logs
| append
    [|tstats count  as url where  index=app-logs TERM(url) TERM( info)  TERM(staged)
        [|tstats count  as cleared_log where  index=app-logs  TERM(Filtered)  TERM(logs)  TERM(arranged)]
    | eval mess_type = "Standby count", count = url + cleared_log
    | eval breakdowns = mvappend("url: " . url, "cleared_log: " . cleared_log, ":standby: " . (url - cleared_log))
    | fields - url cleared_log]
| addcoltotals labelfield=mess_type label="Total mess"
| table mess_type count breakdowns


Note: I did not change your tstats searches.  If the TERM combinations give you the correct counts, great.  If not, you may need to use index searches.  In that scenario, append and appendcols are so inefficient you will need to use other methods to get individual counts.  But the visual tweaks remain the same.

Hope this helps.


Hi @PickleRick , Thank you so much i got the query what i was expecting.
But i have some changes here can you help me on that

Standby Column i don't have any individual searches  like url and cleared_log i just need standby count as Toatal _Messages  - Errro_count  should be displyed on the table. Rest all will be the same.

|tstats count  as Total_Messages where index=app-logs TERM(Request) TERM(received)  TERM(from) TERM(all) TERM(applications) 


0 Karma

| makeresults format=csv data="group,log,count
Error,App logs,100
Error,Exception logs,100
Error,Cancelled logs,25
Error,401 mess logs,25
Stand by,url,150
Stand by,cleared log,100"
``` The previous lines set up some sample data in line with your image ```
| appendpipe
    [| stats sum(count) as total by group]
| sort 0 -group count log
| addcoltotals labelfield=group
| eval count=coalesce(count,total)
| eval summary=if(isnull(log),group." count",null())
| eval group=if(isnull(log),null(),group)
| reverse
| table summary total group log count
0 Karma


And what have you tried so far and what is the problem with your result?

To make things clear - in Splunk there is no "merging" of cells. Maybe there is a visualization which silently renders a table this way but I know of no such thing. Generally, a table has a "full grid" of results.

Do you have problems with combining your searches into a single one or do you have the search but can't visualize it?

0 Karma


Hi @PickleRick , i tried the below query but this is showing as normal table, i am not getting in the way i showed in the image.
I just want to know whether that is doable in Splunk ???
if yes how can i tweak my query????

|tstats count  as Total_Messages where index=app-logs TERM(Request) TERM(received)  TERM(from) TERM(all) TERM(applications) 

[|tstats count  as App_logs where  index=app-logs TERM(Application) TERM(logs) TERM(received)]

[|tstats count  as Exception_logs where index=app-logs  TERM(Exception)  TERM(logs)  TERM(received)
[|tstats count  as Canceled_logs where  index=app-logs  TERM(unpassed) TERM( logs)  TERM(received)]

[|tstats count  as 401_mess_logs where  index=app-logs  TERM(401) TERM( error)  TERM(message)]

[|tstats count  as url where  index=app-logs TERM(url) TERM( info)  TERM(staged)]

[|tstats count  as cleared_log where  index=app-logs  TERM(Filtered)  TERM(logs)  TERM(arranged)]
|table *

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