All my log statements are of below format.
"source": "stdout",
"tag": "practice/myapplication:4444a76b917",
"labels": {
"pod-template-hash": "343242344",
"version": "9216a76b917b8258a1ee6de7d3bbf9a78ca59f1f",
"app_docker_io/instance": "my-application"
"time": "1628235185.043",
"line": "2021-08-06T07:33:05.043Z LCS traceId=a83a082592cf2275, spanId=a83a082592cf2275 LCE [qtp310090733-278] ERROR c.p.p.c.a.ErrorHandlerAdvice.logErrorDesc(34) - ERROR RESPONSE SENT",
"attrs": {
"image": "practice/myapplication:4444a76b917",
"env": "dev",
"region": "local",
"az": "us-west"
i want to extract the timestamp from beginning of each line and sort my results based on that timestamp. I have no idea of splunk search queries. can someone help?
Hi @donB
Can you share the original _raw event and highlight the timestamp required to be extracted?
added the raw event (json), thank you
your _time should have been mapped to "time": already. you can check that by converting it from epoch to readable format.
Alternatively try this for your requirement.
| rex "\"time\":\s+\"(?<time>[^\"]+)"
| sort time
| convert ctime(time) as time_readable