I am using the following query and trying to display the results using stats but count by field values
search query |
| table A B C D E
| stats count values(A) as errors values(B) values(C) by E
Also tried
| stats count by E A B C [but this messes up everything as this requires every field to have values]
Current Output
E count A. B C
Value1. 10. X YY ZZZ
E count A. B C
Value1. 8. X YY ZZZ
search query |
| table A B C D E
| fillnull value="N/A" A B C
| stats count by E A B C
this doesn't solve my problem
Please explain what is not working for you with this method
results which I am getting arent accurate and its not making any sense
I want the count for each value you see in the first value and with the above solution this is not accurate and doesnt work
Can you share the search you used to get these results?
for now
"your base search" | fillnull value=NA errors
| stats count values(traceid_id) as TraceId by title errors
but I also tried with [this gives me completely different results and I want results by title]
"your base search" | fillnull value=NA errors traceid_id
| stats count by title errors traceid_id
It is usually easier when you describe your issue with closer to reality examples. Try something like this
"your base search" | fillnull value=NA errors traceid_id
| stats count by title errors traceid_id
| stats list(count) as count list(errors) as errors list(traceid_id) as traceid_id by title