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how to calculate duration for completed and interview and incomplete interview ?



First I will give brief introduction about my company and my role

I am working in a market research company, in my company we will design a survey and we will take the interview from different respondents from online. For designing survey we are using IBM application i.e Dimensions, using dimensions application we will design application and put in live for interview. here my role is to do the analysis of logs using splunk. we have different log files IIS logs and IBM logs, in IBM logs we have different types of logs are there IVW logs, ISE logs, ACT logs etc., based on these logs I have to develop the reports using splunk.

here is my query;

My query is, after putting the survey in live the respondents starts to take the interview, in that some respondents wont complete all the interview due to some reasons, some respondents will complete all the interview. Now i have to generate a report what is time duration they have take for interview by completed interviews Vs Incomplete interviews,

Please help me in this

Thanks & Regards

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0 Karma
1 Solution


This might work

| rex (?<surveyID>-R.*?GEN.*)\s)
| stats count by surveyID Queue

The big issue: if you really want to analyze this data in any depth, you need to define the fields in each log type. Here is some more information about creating/defining fields: About fields

My example above created a temporary field called surveyID and used the Queue field that is defined within the log file itself. But this is unlikely to be all that you need...

View solution in original post

0 Karma


Thank you so much for your response


0 Karma


This might work

| rex (?<surveyID>-R.*?GEN.*)\s)
| stats count by surveyID Queue

The big issue: if you really want to analyze this data in any depth, you need to define the fields in each log type. Here is some more information about creating/defining fields: About fields

My example above created a temporary field called surveyID and used the Queue field that is defined within the log file itself. But this is unlikely to be all that you need...

0 Karma



Thank you for your response

Sorry for taxing your time

Based on the respondent ID we can identify single survey - In the log I highlighted with 'Bold' which is respondentID

Instead of status We have to see the 'Queue' to get the survey status (Completed or not); this Queue is giving the status of the interview means is it completed or screened out or Quota fail etc., - In the log I highlighted with 'italic' which is the interview status.

we have total 5 status for survey here are the definitions
Completed - Means Interview (survey) completed
Screenout - Means the respondent is not eligible for interview (survey)
Time out - Means the respondent open survey webpage more than a minute but he didnt start interview or after answering some questions he didnt press next button for more than a minute ( this respondent have a chance to take the survey again if the quota (sample) is not over) this status will come. this timeout status can categorised to any of the other status if the respondent want restart his survey
Quota fail - quota fail means if we want to do the interview (survey) with 100 respondents and we finished 100 interviews but if any 101 respondent trying to open this survey page he will get this status
Stopped - i dont have much idea about this status. I think if the owner dont want to continue that survey scripters can stop the survey if any one try to open the survey may be they will get this status

Please find enclosed sample log and I have highlighted some respondentIDs (Bold) and some of the Interview status (Italic)

0,HISTORY,Previous LogFile: E:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Interviewer Server Administration\Logs\IVWE11.tmp
0,FORMAT,',',RecordSize:long,DateTime:Date,Log Id:long,Log Levels:long,Log group:string,Log scope:string,Log Entry:string
171,20141218 03:29:54.688,1,64,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD45A3 -RGEN51_863668068987819-380899 -Imlpagkn6ykeehk6k4pkxaurrl1raoaaa FnRequire3DGridRowsExclusive: Validation passed
165,20141218 03:29:55.438,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PTW277104840 -R*GEN24_6799312409* -Ipktn2ekketpuhlrsgmqkfiu5obvasaaa Interview terminated (Status = 'ScriptStopped')
202,20141218 03:29:55.579,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PTW277104840 -RGEN24_6799312409 -Ipktn2ekketpuhlrsgmqkfiu5obvasaaaISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) ReturnSampleRec: Entered. Record ID: GEN24_6799312409
221,20141218 03:29:55.610,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PTW277104840 -RGEN24_6799312409 -Ipktn2ekketpuhlrsgmqkfiu5obvasaaaISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) ReturnSampleRec: SampleRecReturnCode.Code = 5. Exiting, Queue = SCREENOUT
125,20141218 03:30:04.548,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Entered
191,20141218 03:30:04.563,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: This is not an existing record. Pid=10038101685, S=LMS50, Id=1, Serial=0
371,20141218 03:30:04.767,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -RGMI29_956cbaf5e3ce660b -Iz361jtwvdlmebfqebunp2rzdg45asaaa WARNING: Called from FnGetSmVar. WARNING: type will NOT be saved on timeouts/restarts, current value is: Online. Please save the value to the case data by passing a QUESTION metadata object into the first parameter of FnGetSmVar function instead of NULL.
191,20141218 03:30:04.782,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R1_10038101685 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AddRecordWithGivenId: Created new record with Id 1_10038101685 into queue ACTIVE_NEW
111,20141218 03:30:04.782,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) TestUser set to 0
144,20141218 03:30:04.782,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Quota project. Attaching SampleRec to QuotaEngine.
103,20141218 03:30:04.782,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Succeeded
202,20141218 03:30:04.829,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R*1_10038101685* -Ijghgegd611xujgxaywsxoypc4z5qsaaa Invalid value for interview property 'Test'. The default value for this property will be used
202,20141218 03:30:04.845,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R*1_10038101685* -Ijghgegd611xujgxaywsxoypc4z5qsaaa Invalid value for interview property 'Test'. The default value for this property will be used
124,20141218 03:30:04.845,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R1_10038101685 -Ijghgegd611xujgxaywsxoypc4z5qsaaa Interview start
364,20141218 03:30:04.923,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R*1_10038101685* -Ijghgegd611xujgxaywsxoypc4z5qsaaa WARNING: Called from FnGetSmVar. WARNING: _usedemovars will NOT be saved on timeouts/restarts, current value is: . Please save the value to the case data by passing a QUESTION metadata object into the first parameter of FnGetSmVar function instead of NULL.
542,20141218 03:30:04.954,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10006525458 -Iiplxxyiqbutebbymcpmy1wmfbujaqaaa The label 'Place mouse over to zoom image

' contains a syntax error at column 226
158,20141218 03:30:07.329,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD45A3 -R*225_10014523011* -Ighcmd6yr4uwu2cpkq5iitwbkjvzasaaa Interview terminated (Status = 'ScriptStopped')
202,20141218 03:30:07.407,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD45A3 -R*225_10014523011* -Ighcmd6yr4uwu2cpkq5iitwbkjvzasaaaISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) ReturnSampleRec: Entered. Record ID: 225_10014523011
222,20141218 03:30:07.407,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD45A3 -R*225_10014523011* -Ighcmd6yr4uwu2cpkq5iitwbkjvzasaaaISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) ReturnSampleRec: SampleRecReturnCode.Code = 5. Exiting, Queue = SCREENOUT
125,20141218 03:30:08.251,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Entered
196,20141218 03:30:08.282,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: This is not an existing record. Pid=3BD44448ABDDCD87, S=GMI29, Id=1, Serial=0
209,20141218 03:30:08.314,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -RGMI29_3BD44448ABDDCD87 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AddRecordWithGivenId: Created new record with Id GMI29_3BD44448ABDDCD87 into queue ACTIVE_NEW
111,20141218 03:30:08.314,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) TestUser set to 0
144,20141218 03:30:08.314,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Quota project. Attaching SampleRec to QuotaEngine.
103,20141218 03:30:08.314,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Succeeded
133,20141218 03:30:08.423,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -RGMI29_3BD44448ABDDCD87 -Imwf3v1i2th2e2bmkpnzjlasynj6asaaa Interview start
373,20141218 03:30:08.485,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -RGMI29_3BD44448ABDDCD87 -Imwf3v1i2th2e2bmkpnzjlasynj6asaaa WARNING: Called from FnGetSmVar. WARNING: _usedemovars will NOT be saved on timeouts/restarts, current value is: . Please save the value to the case data by passing a QUESTION metadata object into the first parameter of FnGetSmVar function instead of NULL.
134,20141218 03:30:10.189,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Entered
197,20141218 03:30:10.189,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: This is not an existing record. Pid=R1000135, S=GEN24, Id=1, Serial=0
202,20141218 03:30:10.220,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -RGEN24_R1000135 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AddRecordWithGivenId: Created new record with Id GEN24_R1000135 into queue ACTIVE_NEW
120,20141218 03:30:10.220,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) TestUser set to 0
153,20141218 03:30:10.220,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Quota project. Attaching SampleRec to QuotaEngine.
112,20141218 03:30:10.220,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Succeeded
134,20141218 03:30:10.267,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -RGEN24_R1000135 -Ish3aximtqpgerfvbwcld2rgvbv6qsaaa Interview start
374,20141218 03:30:10.314,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -RGEN24_R1000135 -Ish3aximtqpgerfvbwcld2rgvbv6qsaaa WARNING: Called from FnGetSmVar. WARNING: _usedemovars will NOT be saved on timeouts/restarts, current value is: . Please save the value to the case data by passing a QUESTION metadata object into the first parameter of FnGetSmVar function instead of NULL.
542,20141218 03:30:11.251,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10006525458 -Iiplxxyiqbutebbymcpmy1wmfbujaqaaa The label 'Place mouse over to zoom image

' contains a syntax error at column 226
371,20141218 03:30:11.673,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -RGMI29_3BD44448ABDDCD87 -Imwf3v1i2th2e2bmkpnzjlasynj6asaaa WARNING: Called from FnGetSmVar. WARNING: type will NOT be saved on timeouts/restarts, current value is: Online. Please save the value to the case data by passing a QUESTION metadata object into the first parameter of FnGetSmVar function instead of NULL.
133,20141218 03:30:11.861,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -R1 -IISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) AuthenticateSampleRec: Entered
197,20141218 03:30:11.876,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -R1 -IISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) AuthenticateSampleRec: This is not an existing record. Pid=400021657, S=CFB01, Id=1, Serial=0
181,20141218 03:30:11.876,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -RCFB01_400021657 -IISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) AddRecordWithGivenId: Created new record with Id CFB01_400021657
119,20141218 03:30:11.876,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -R -IISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) TestUser set to 0
154,20141218 03:30:11.876,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -R -IISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) Sample is in an ok queue so authentication succeeded
152,20141218 03:30:11.892,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -R -IISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) Quota project. Attaching SampleRec to QuotaEngine.
111,20141218 03:30:11.892,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -R -IISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) Succeeded
126,20141218 03:30:11.939,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -RCFB01_400021657 -I56zjynoxbkiuvp1pzvnquh1v1waasaaa Interview start
158,20141218 03:30:12.329,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -RCFB01_400021657 -I56zjynoxbkiuvp1pzvnquh1v1waasaaa Interview terminated (Status = 'ScriptStopped')
202,20141218 03:30:12.392,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -RCFB01_400021657 -I56zjynoxbkiuvp1pzvnquh1v1waasaaaISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) ReturnSampleRec: Entered. Record ID: CFB01_400021657
223,20141218 03:30:12.392,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -RCFB01_400021657 -I56zjynoxbkiuvp1pzvnquh1v1waasaaaISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) ReturnSampleRec: SampleRecReturnCode.Code = 3. Exiting, Queue = QUOTA_FAIL
1270,20141218 03:30:13.892,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888810763373 -I2qotefhorh2efa6w2aihfvhjb13aqaaa The label 'Thank you for your participation in our survey. As a valued Michael Kors consumer, you will be entered into a sweepstakes to win a $500 Michael Kors gift card.

There is no purchase necessary. Must be 18 or older, US resident, to enter to win. Starts: December 4, 2014. Ends: December 18, 2014. One entry per person per email address. 6 prizes total, each a $500 Michael Kors Gift Card, subject to additional terms and conditions as set forth on the card. Additional restrictions may apply.For additional details, see Official Rules.

In order for us to contact you should you win the sweepstakes, please supply the following information. We would like to stress that this information will only be used to send you notification about the sweepstakes, and will not be used for any other purpose.' contains a syntax error at column 1047
125,20141218 03:30:15.033,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Entered
199,20141218 03:30:15.048,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: This is not an existing record. Pid=MB17C951A46146E73DE, S=GEN24, Id=1, Serial=0
215,20141218 03:30:15.064,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -RGEN24_MB17C951A46146E73DE -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AddRecordWithGivenId: Created new record with Id GEN24_MB17C951A46146E73DE into queue ACTIVE_NEW
111,20141218 03:30:15.080,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) TestUser set to 0
144,20141218 03:30:15.080,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Quota project. Attaching SampleRec to QuotaEngine.
103,20141218 03:30:15.080,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Succeeded
136,20141218 03:30:15.126,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -RGEN24_MB17C951A46146E73DE -Ienbpb4xbkwnute34fz2kamrzscaqsaaa Interview start
376,20141218 03:30:15.158,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -RGEN24_MB17C951A46146E73DE -Ienbpb4xbkwnute34fz2kamrzscaqsaaa WARNING: Called from FnGetSmVar. WARNING: _usedemovars will NOT be saved on timeouts/restarts, current value is: . Please save the value to the case data by passing a QUESTION metadata object into the first parameter of FnGetSmVar function instead of NULL.
542,20141218 03:30:16.189,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10006525458 -Iiplxxyiqbutebbymcpmy1wmfbujaqaaa The label 'Place mouse over to zoom image

' contains a syntax error at column 226
584,20141218 03:30:16.220,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -RGMI29_3BD44448ABDDCD87 -Imwf3v1i2th2e2bmkpnzjlasynj6asaaa The label '' contains a syntax error at column 61
584,20141218 03:30:16.267,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -RGMI29_3BD44448ABDDCD87 -Imwf3v1i2th2e2bmkpnzjlasynj6asaaa The label '' contains a syntax error at column 61
144,20141218 03:30:16.423,1,64,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD45A3 -RGEN51_163678058916899-380899 -Inomfnlaoenkengmhlqqzqithtruasaaa in loops categorical
160,20141218 03:30:16.439,1,64,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD45A3 -RGEN51_163678058916899-380899 -Inomfnlaoenkengmhlqqzqithtruasaaa FnRequireSeqInput: Validation passed
155,20141218 03:30:16.439,1,64,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD45A3 -RGEN51_163678058916899-380899 -Inomfnlaoenkengmhlqqzqithtruasaaa CheckUnaided: Validation passed
584,20141218 03:30:17.548,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -RGMI29_956cbaf5e3ce660b -Iz361jtwvdlmebfqebunp2rzdg45asaaa The label '' contains a syntax error at column 61
584,20141218 03:30:17.595,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PC5BAB -RGMI29_956cbaf5e3ce660b -Iz361jtwvdlmebfqebunp2rzdg45asaaa The label '' contains a syntax error at column 61
297,20141218 03:30:18.955,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R1_10038101685 -Ijghgegd611xujgxaywsxoypc4z5qsaaa The label 'Please enter your 5 digit zip code.' contains a syntax error at column 96
132,20141218 03:30:19.486,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10005878395 -Ibsbujipgrxaevfsembqu4kolarlaqaaa Interview restart
143,20141218 03:30:19.502,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10005878395 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Entered
199,20141218 03:30:19.517,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10005878395 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Record exists: S=LMS50, Id=1004095_10005878395, Queue=TIMED_OUT
111,20141218 03:30:19.548,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) TestUser set to 0
116,20141218 03:30:19.548,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Setting Serial to 6724
144,20141218 03:30:19.548,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Quota project. Attaching SampleRec to QuotaEngine.
103,20141218 03:30:19.548,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Succeeded
139,20141218 03:30:20.939,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -RGEN24_R1000134 -Ir2eixovuakyejessvhbsaixmcq2asaaa INFO: Building params
134,20141218 03:30:20.939,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -RGEN24_R1000134 -Ir2eixovuakyejessvhbsaixmcq2asaaa INFO: Excecuting
138,20141218 03:30:20.939,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -RGEN24_R1000134 -Ir2eixovuakyejessvhbsaixmcq2asaaa INFO: Done executing
158,20141218 03:30:20.939,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -RGEN24_R1000134 -Ir2eixovuakyejessvhbsaixmcq2asaaa INFO: Got value returned: NOTRUN, NOTRUN
162,20141218 03:30:20.970,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -RGEN24_R1000134 -Ir2eixovuakyejessvhbsaixmcq2asaaa Interview terminated (Status = 'Completed')
137,20141218 03:30:20.970,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -RGEN24_R1000134 -Ir2eixovuakyejessvhbsaixmcq2asaaa Interview complete
201,20141218 03:30:21.033,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -RGEN24_R1000134 -Ir2eixovuakyejessvhbsaixmcq2asaaaISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) ReturnSampleRec: Entered. Record ID: GEN24_R1000134
222,20141218 03:30:21.033,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PR106000141987A -RGEN24_R1000134 -Ir2eixovuakyejessvhbsaixmcq2asaaaISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) ReturnSampleRec: SampleRecReturnCode.Code = 1. Exiting, Queue = COMPLETED
126,20141218 03:30:21.252,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PCH224 -RGEN27_1782470 -Iuwm5oy23vtyerh6swcbmg3eowl5qmaaa Interview restart
137,20141218 03:30:21.267,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PCH224 -RGEN27_1782470 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Entered
187,20141218 03:30:21.283,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PCH224 -RGEN27_1782470 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Record exists: S=GEN27, Id=GEN27_1782470, Queue=TIMED_OUT
111,20141218 03:30:21.299,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PCH224 -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) TestUser set to 0
116,20141218 03:30:21.299,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PCH224 -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Setting Serial to 5845
144,20141218 03:30:21.314,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PCH224 -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Quota project. Attaching SampleRec to QuotaEngine.
103,20141218 03:30:21.314,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PCH224 -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Succeeded
158,20141218 03:30:21.830,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -RCFB01_400093601 -Iykpg14vp6jwenfw3au2bznkszj3asaaa Interview terminated (Status = 'ScriptStopped')
202,20141218 03:30:21.955,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -RCFB01_400093601 -Iykpg14vp6jwenfw3au2bznkszj3asaaaISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) ReturnSampleRec: Entered. Record ID: CFB01_400093601
222,20141218 03:30:21.955,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64HF -RCFB01_400093601 -Iykpg14vp6jwenfw3au2bznkszj3asaaaISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) ReturnSampleRec: SampleRecReturnCode.Code = 5. Exiting, Queue = SCREENOUT
153,20141218 03:30:25.611,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD45A3 -RGMI29_26829776 -Ibuov6xmhd5judgi5uzhoix53o46qqaaa Interview terminated (Status = 'Completed')
128,20141218 03:30:25.611,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD45A3 -RGMI29_26829776 -Ibuov6xmhd5judgi5uzhoix53o46qqaaa Interview complete
542,20141218 03:30:25.767,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10006525458 -Iiplxxyiqbutebbymcpmy1wmfbujaqaaa The label 'Place mouse over to zoom image

' contains a syntax error at column 226
200,20141218 03:30:25.783,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD45A3 -RGMI29_26829776 -Ibuov6xmhd5judgi5uzhoix53o46qqaaaISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) ReturnSampleRec: Entered. Record ID: GMI29_26829776
221,20141218 03:30:25.783,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD45A3 -RGMI29_26829776 -Ibuov6xmhd5judgi5uzhoix53o46qqaaaISMSHERMES.MRS: (ver-2.2 SHELL REWRITE) ReturnSampleRec: SampleRecReturnCode.Code = 1. Exiting, Queue = COMPLETED
134,20141218 03:30:26.643,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888810763373 -I2qotefhorh2efa6w2aihfvhjb13aqaaa INFO: Building params
129,20141218 03:30:26.643,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888810763373 -I2qotefhorh2efa6w2aihfvhjb13aqaaa INFO: Excecuting
133,20141218 03:30:26.658,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888810763373 -I2qotefhorh2efa6w2aihfvhjb13aqaaa INFO: Done executing
149,20141218 03:30:26.658,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888810763373 -I2qotefhorh2efa6w2aihfvhjb13aqaaa INFO: Got value returned: PASS, PASS
205,20141218 03:30:26.674,1,4,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888810763373 -I2qotefhorh2efa6w2aihfvhjb13aqaaa ERROR: Error in SbEndTime. Error Desc: The value 534737 is greater than the maximum of 99999
723,20141218 03:30:29.065,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64X3 -RGEN24_494076 -I61ijk4j2kzeernz55nknfcddgulqsaaa The label '

' contains a syntax error at column 504
1290,20141218 03:30:29.065,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD64X3 -RGEN24_494076 -I61ijk4j2kzeernz55nknfcddgulqsaaa The label '' contains a syntax error at column 845
125,20141218 03:30:29.752,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Entered
191,20141218 03:30:29.768,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: This is not an existing record. Pid=10006478119, S=LMS50, Id=1, Serial=0
203,20141218 03:30:29.940,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10006478119 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AddRecordWithGivenId: Created new record with Id 1004095_10006478119 into queue ACTIVE_NEW
111,20141218 03:30:29.940,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) TestUser set to 0
144,20141218 03:30:29.940,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Quota project. Attaching SampleRec to QuotaEngine.
103,20141218 03:30:29.940,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Succeeded
130,20141218 03:30:30.002,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10006478119 -Ipqdgd3zdltteji2t1jnvo5ebtobasaaa Interview start
370,20141218 03:30:30.111,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10006478119 -Ipqdgd3zdltteji2t1jnvo5ebtobasaaa WARNING: Called from FnGetSmVar. WARNING: _usedemovars will NOT be saved on timeouts/restarts, current value is: . Please save the value to the case data by passing a QUESTION metadata object into the first parameter of FnGetSmVar function instead of NULL.
144,20141218 03:30:30.611,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -RGEN24_MB7D_4545_118277_1QTN0AHI -I2pffpxkeljputchgmqk4xk1hxsaaqaaa Interview timeout
226,20141218 03:30:30.627,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -RGEN24_MB7D_4545_118277_1QTN0AHI -I2pffpxkeljputchgmqk4xk1hxsaaqaaaISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) ReturnSampleRec: Entered. Record ID: GEN24_MB7D_4545_118277_1QTN0AHI
230,20141218 03:30:30.643,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -RGEN24_MB7D_4545_118277_1QTN0AHI -I2pffpxkeljputchgmqk4xk1hxsaaqaaaISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) ReturnSampleRec: SampleRecReturnCode.Code = 2. Exiting, Queue = TIMED_OUT
125,20141218 03:30:32.018,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Entered
191,20141218 03:30:32.033,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: This is not an existing record. Pid=10002849577, S=LMS50, Id=1, Serial=0
203,20141218 03:30:32.080,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10002849577 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AddRecordWithGivenId: Created new record with Id 1004095_10002849577 into queue ACTIVE_NEW
111,20141218 03:30:32.080,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) TestUser set to 0
144,20141218 03:30:32.080,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Quota project. Attaching SampleRec to QuotaEngine.
103,20141218 03:30:32.080,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Succeeded
130,20141218 03:30:32.143,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10002849577 -Ijqbfiuuib2me2grolsjpsiyq3kbqsaaa Interview start
370,20141218 03:30:32.252,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDNNKM -R1004095_10002849577 -Ijqbfiuuib2me2grolsjpsiyq3kbqsaaa WARNING: Called from FnGetSmVar. WARNING: _usedemovars will NOT be saved on timeouts/restarts, current value is: . Please save the value to the case data by passing a QUESTION metadata object into the first parameter of FnGetSmVar function instead of NULL.
205,20141218 03:30:33.830,1,4,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888810763373 -I2qotefhorh2efa6w2aihfvhjb13aqaaa ERROR: Error in SbEndTime. Error Desc: The value 534744 is greater than the maximum of 99999
157,20141218 03:30:33.846,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888810763373 -I2qotefhorh2efa6w2aihfvhjb13aqaaa Interview terminated (Status = 'Completed')
132,20141218 03:30:33.846,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888810763373 -I2qotefhorh2efa6w2aihfvhjb13aqaaa Interview complete
200,20141218 03:30:33.971,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888810763373 -I2qotefhorh2efa6w2aihfvhjb13aqaaaISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) ReturnSampleRec: Entered. Record ID: GEN24_888810763373
217,20141218 03:30:33.971,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888810763373 -I2qotefhorh2efa6w2aihfvhjb13aqaaaISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) ReturnSampleRec: SampleRecReturnCode.Code = 1. Exiting, Queue = COMPLETED
125,20141218 03:30:35.549,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Entered
192,20141218 03:30:35.549,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: This is not an existing record. Pid=888806472905, S=GEN24, Id=1, Serial=0
201,20141218 03:30:35.627,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888806472905 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AddRecordWithGivenId: Created new record with Id GEN24_888806472905 into queue ACTIVE_NEW
111,20141218 03:30:35.627,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) TestUser set to 0
144,20141218 03:30:35.627,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Quota project. Attaching SampleRec to QuotaEngine.
103,20141218 03:30:35.627,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) Succeeded
129,20141218 03:30:35.690,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888806472905 -Ib4mh6fzfgkgezlrsdmliujijf5casaaa Interview start
369,20141218 03:30:35.737,1,2,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888806472905 -Ib4mh6fzfgkgezlrsdmliujijf5casaaa WARNING: Called from FnGetSmVar. WARNING: _usedemovars will NOT be saved on timeouts/restarts, current value is: . Please save the value to the case data by passing a QUESTION metadata object into the first parameter of FnGetSmVar function instead of NULL.
161,20141218 03:30:37.174,1,32,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888806472905 -Ib4mh6fzfgkgezlrsdmliujijf5casaaa Interview terminated (Status = 'ScriptStopped')
200,20141218 03:30:37.299,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888806472905 -Ib4mh6fzfgkgezlrsdmliujijf5casaaaISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) ReturnSampleRec: Entered. Record ID: GEN24_888806472905
215,20141218 03:30:37.315,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PDQVQP -RGEN24_888806472905 -Ib4mh6fzfgkgezlrsdmliujijf5casaaaISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) ReturnSampleRec: SampleRecReturnCode.Code = 2. Exiting, Queue = STOPPED
125,20141218 03:30:41.018,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Entered
187,20141218 03:30:41.034,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -R1 -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) AuthenticateSampleRec: Record exists: S=GEN24, Id=GEN24_MB21954_6134142yZiW, Queue=SCREENOUT
111,20141218 03:30:41.065,1,1,IVW,570749 - 0x189c,-PD63G4 -R -IISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) TestUser set to 0

Please help me

Thanks & regards

0 Karma



Did you receive my sample log file,

Thanks & Regards

0 Karma


I do not see anything in this log that is equivalent to status='complete'
I do see

CRunningInterview::Close, .RunningInterview.cpp, 739, Closing interview

in some places...

In order to answer your question, you need to tell us

  • Using this information, how do you identify a single survery
  • How do you define that the survey completed
0 Karma


Than you,

Please find enclosed log file
0,HISTORY,Previous LogFile: E:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Interviewer Server Administration\Logs\IVWA52E.tmp
0,FORMAT,',',RecordSize:long,DateTime:Date,Log Id:long,Log Levels:long,Log group:string,Log scope:string,Log Entry:string
191,20141216 02:18:24.098,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-P -R -Imlatvq3zok6exedrlytfdpkxs1vqgaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::PostInterviewEventImpl, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 3095, Getting running interview
233,20141216 02:18:24.098,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_c24ad8f4825b477981ef3118433af914 -Imlatvq3zok6exedrlytfdpkxs1vqgaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::PostInterviewEventImpl, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 3135, Posting interview page
232,20141216 02:18:24.098,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_c24ad8f4825b477981ef3118433af914 -Imlatvq3zok6exedrlytfdpkxs1vqgaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::LoadPostInput, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 2222, Parsing XML player input
234,20141216 02:18:24.098,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_c24ad8f4825b477981ef3118433af914 -Imlatvq3zok6exedrlytfdpkxs1vqgaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::ExecuteScript, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 2740, Executing interview script
161,20141216 02:18:24.098,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_c24ad8f4825b477981ef3118433af914 -Imlatvq3zok6exedrlytfdpkxs1vqgaaa Question 'SCR1' was asked
160,20141216 02:18:24.114,1,16,IVW,560727 - 0x418,-PSDUSSTL -R1_10014763243 -I5vowcb1obpletm136x3sfy6c3ptqaaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'None'
186,20141216 02:18:24.114,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_c24ad8f4825b477981ef3118433af914 -Imlatvq3zok6exedrlytfdpkxs1vqgaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'none'
186,20141216 02:18:24.114,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_c24ad8f4825b477981ef3118433af914 -Imlatvq3zok6exedrlytfdpkxs1vqgaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'none'
165,20141216 02:18:24.129,1,16,IVW,560727 - 0x418,-PSDUSSTL -R1_10014763243 -I5vowcb1obpletm136x3sfy6c3ptqaaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for '_qchagenA'
81,20141216 02:18:24.129,4,16,IVW,560727 - 0x418,Committing case database updates
240,20141216 02:18:24.160,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_c24ad8f4825b477981ef3118433af914 -Imlatvq3zok6exedrlytfdpkxs1vqgaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::GeneratePlayerXml, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 2924, Generating XML player output
186,20141216 02:18:24.192,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_c24ad8f4825b477981ef3118433af914 -Imlatvq3zok6exedrlytfdpkxs1vqgaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'None'
186,20141216 02:18:24.192,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_c24ad8f4825b477981ef3118433af914 -Imlatvq3zok6exedrlytfdpkxs1vqgaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'none'
186,20141216 02:18:24.207,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_c24ad8f4825b477981ef3118433af914 -Imlatvq3zok6exedrlytfdpkxs1vqgaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'none'
82,20141216 02:18:24.207,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,Committing case database updates
191,20141216 02:18:24.285,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-P -R -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::PostInterviewEventImpl, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 3095, Getting running interview
233,20141216 02:18:24.285,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::PostInterviewEventImpl, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 3135, Posting interview page
232,20141216 02:18:24.285,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::LoadPostInput, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 2222, Parsing XML player input
133,20141216 02:18:24.285,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,Requesting a concurrent license for interview ID 'lsqjw25jktre6pb4zlyctr3lh1zagaaa'
186,20141216 02:18:24.301,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'none'
186,20141216 02:18:24.301,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'none'
190,20141216 02:18:24.317,4,16,IVW,560727 - 0x418,-P -R -I1axilu642gqehkp3iltvybrv3trqaaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::PostInterviewEventImpl, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 3095, Getting running interview
208,20141216 02:18:24.317,4,16,IVW,560727 - 0x418,-PTSIDE103316 -RGEN24_0039 -I1axilu642gqehkp3iltvybrv3trqaaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::PostInterviewEventImpl, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 3135, Posting interview page
207,20141216 02:18:24.317,1,16,IVW,560727 - 0x418,-PTSIDE103316 -RGEN24_0039 -I1axilu642gqehkp3iltvybrv3trqaaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::LoadPostInput, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 2222, Parsing XML player input
209,20141216 02:18:24.317,1,16,IVW,560727 - 0x418,-PTSIDE103316 -RGEN24_0039 -I1axilu642gqehkp3iltvybrv3trqaaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::ExecuteScript, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 2740, Executing interview script
137,20141216 02:18:24.317,1,16,IVW,560727 - 0x418,-PTSIDE103316 -RGEN24_0039 -I1axilu642gqehkp3iltvybrv3trqaaaa Question 'S3d_2' was asked
215,20141216 02:18:24.332,1,16,IVW,560727 - 0x418,-PTSIDE103316 -RGEN24_0039 -I1axilu642gqehkp3iltvybrv3trqaaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::GeneratePlayerXml, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 2924, Generating XML player output
159,20141216 02:18:24.348,1,16,IVW,560727 - 0x418,-PTSIDE103316 -RGEN24_0039 -I1axilu642gqehkp3iltvybrv3trqaaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'C9'
81,20141216 02:18:24.348,4,16,IVW,560727 - 0x418,Committing case database updates
80,20141216 02:18:24.395,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,Removing timed out interviews.
234,20141216 02:18:24.395,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::ExecuteScript, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 2740, Executing interview script
183,20141216 02:18:24.426,1,32,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa Interview terminated (Status = 'ScriptStopped')
82,20141216 02:18:24.426,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,Committing case database updates
241,20141216 02:18:24.457,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::CompleteInterview, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 3790, Getting project properties from DPM
254,20141216 02:18:24.582,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::GetSampleManagementProvider, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 4374, Getting the sample management provider
267,20141216 02:18:24.582,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::CreateSampleManagementPropertiesXML, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 4514, Populating sample management properties XML
243,20141216 02:18:24.598,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::SampleManagementReturn, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 4220, Calling sample management Return
242,20141216 02:18:24.614,1,1,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaaISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) ReturnSampleRec: Entered. Record ID: GEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad
239,20141216 02:18:24.629,1,1,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaaISMS.MRS: (ver-1-44 DIMENSIONS) ReturnSampleRec: SampleRecReturnCode.Code = 5. Exiting, Queue = SCREENOUT
246,20141216 02:18:24.629,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::SampleManagementReturn, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 4246, Processing sample management result
216,20141216 02:18:24.629,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::CommitQuota, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 5105, Committing Quota
130,20141216 02:18:24.645,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,Releasing concurrent license for interview ID 'kqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa'
238,20141216 02:18:24.645,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::CompleteInterview, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 3928, Generating end of interview page
253,20141216 02:18:24.645,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::GenerateEndOfInterviewText, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 3304, Generating end of interview text
186,20141216 02:18:24.660,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'None'
186,20141216 02:18:24.660,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'none'
186,20141216 02:18:24.676,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'none'
216,20141216 02:18:24.676,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PBTSWSBU -RGEN24_f234c570f39041ec8623337612cd55ad -Ikqy2mejgqtrudb12qef5ybpapwuqgaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::Close, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 739, Closing interview
191,20141216 02:18:24.723,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-P -R -Ikwfyjne4mb6etiveno1it6el6ikacaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::PostInterviewEventImpl, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 3095, Getting running interview
203,20141216 02:18:24.723,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PD5GEE -R1_22796523 -Ikwfyjne4mb6etiveno1it6el6ikacaaa DEBUG - CSessionEngine::PostInterviewEventImpl, .\SessionEngine.cpp, 3135, Posting interview page
202,20141216 02:18:24.723,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PD5GEE -R1_22796523 -Ikwfyjne4mb6etiveno1it6el6ikacaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::LoadPostInput, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 2222, Parsing XML player input
204,20141216 02:18:24.723,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PD5GEE -R1_22796523 -Ikwfyjne4mb6etiveno1it6el6ikacaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::ExecuteScript, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 2740, Executing interview script
129,20141216 02:18:24.739,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PD5GEE -R1_22796523 -Ikwfyjne4mb6etiveno1it6el6ikacaaa Question 'C2' was asked
210,20141216 02:18:24.754,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PD5GEE -R1_22796523 -Ikwfyjne4mb6etiveno1it6el6ikacaaa DEBUG - CRunningInterview::GeneratePlayerXml, .\RunningInterview.cpp, 2924, Generating XML player output
156,20141216 02:18:24.770,1,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,-PD5GEE -R1_22796523 -Ikwfyjne4mb6etiveno1it6el6ikacaaa Missing label. Unable to get label text for 'None'
82,20141216 02:18:24.785,4,16,IVW,555737 - 0x1e60,Committing case database updates

0 Karma


Sorry I am unable to attach the file

0 Karma


simply copy / paste some log lines here which are relevant to solve this question

0 Karma



Thank you for your immediate response,

Herewith, I am attaching sample log file.

'Complete' means respondent who finished his survey completely in the log we have status = 'completed'

'Incomplete' means respondent who not completed his survey (middle drop)

Please help me to do this query

Thanks & Regards

0 Karma


Since most of us in the Splunk community do not normally work with all of these logs, we need more information. Can you give a sample of the relevant logs that you would use to determine how long a person took for the interviews. And tell us how you determine that an interview is complete or incomplete...

0 Karma
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