the field dv_sys_created_on is a field date
index="tutu" sourcetype="toto"
| stats last(dv_sys_created_on) as Opened by ticket_id
i tried to sort it like this but it doesnt works
| eval time = strftime(dv_sys_created_on, "%d-%m-%y %H:%M")
| sort - dv_sys_created_on
could you help please??
Hi @jip31,
You are loosing the dv_sys_created_on field on stats command, you can sort like below;
index="tutu" sourcetype="toto"
| stats last(dv_sys_created_on) as Opened by ticket_id
| sort - Opened
Or if date field is string below should work better; assuming your date format is "%d-%m-%y %H:%M"
index="tutu" sourcetype="toto"
| stats last(dv_sys_created_on) as Opened by ticket_id
| eval time = strptime(Opened, "%d-%m-%y %H:%M")
| sort - time
What does "the field dv_sys_created_on is a field date" mean? Is it a string in a particular format representing a date? If so, you need to parse the string (the p in strptime means parse, the f in strftime means format) into an epoch datetime (a number) which you can then sort on (strptime, string to number; strftime, number to string)
| eval time = strptime(dv_sys_created_on, "%d-%m-%y %H:%M")
| sort - time
Hi @jip31,
You are loosing the dv_sys_created_on field on stats command, you can sort like below;
index="tutu" sourcetype="toto"
| stats last(dv_sys_created_on) as Opened by ticket_id
| sort - Opened
Or if date field is string below should work better; assuming your date format is "%d-%m-%y %H:%M"
index="tutu" sourcetype="toto"
| stats last(dv_sys_created_on) as Opened by ticket_id
| eval time = strptime(Opened, "%d-%m-%y %H:%M")
| sort - time