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event values have same name

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My event data contains the following:

       detailEntry: { 

       displayNameOpenID Connect Client
       displayNameUnregistered Device - Default
       id: adsfasdf

I want to do a | stats count by target.displayname but only on events that have target.type=Rule. It is possible to have more than two entries as well so cant just say always select second entry.

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A pointer: When anonymizing structured data, make sure the structure itself is compliant.  I think you mean your event looks like

{"target": [
       "alternateId": "application1",
       "detailEntry": {
       "displayName": "OpenID Connect Client",
       "id": "asdfasdf",
       "type": "AppInstance"
       "alternateId": "unknown",
       "detailEntry": "null",
       "displayName": "Unregistered Device - Default",
       "id": "adsfasdf",
       "type": "Rule"

You can use mvexpand before filter or use mvfilter.  Using mvexpand is more traditional:

| spath path=target{}
| mvexpand target{}
| where json_extract('target{}', "type") == "Rule"
| eval displayName = json_extract(target, "displayName")

Use of JSON functions above assumes that you use Splunk 8 or later, but the mvexpand method can still work without JSON functions; you just use another round of spath.

Using mvfilter, on the other hand, requires JSON functions first introduced in Splunk 8.

| spath path=target{}
| eval target = mvfilter(json_extract('target{}', "type") == "Rule")
| eval displayName = json_extract(target, "displayName")

Hope this helps. 

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