I have seen the functions ltrim and rtrim to spaces ..do we have functions to trim new lines..
actually in my fields i am getting data like this..
so when i use table command to display...
sourcetype="mydata" | table Field
its displaying like this
but when i extract it to a csv file ..those empty line spaces are coming...tried coaselce function also.but no luck...
pls help
Replace should be able to do this, with an expression like this: "[\n\r]+$"
Thanx a lot Ayn ..sed is working now 🙂
I'm pretty sure you can't match on anchors like that in regex. You'd need to match against the actual characters, like
rex field=Field mode=sed "s/[\r\n]//g"
even sed command is not working ...
rex field=Field mode=sed "s/^$//"
pls help
Works well over here. Make sure there aren't any spaces or other characters after the newlines, else the expression will not match.
As a test, consider removing the dollar sign - that should remove every newline from your field, even non-trailing ones.
i have used replace function like this ..
eval Field = replace(Field,"[\n\r]+$","") .. but this didnt work ..
Once should be enough, there's no point in removing trailing newlines again after the first eval.
...or rex mode=sed. I think replace only replaces once.